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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

She entered in her room and locked the room......she saw he was sleeping peacefully but it didn't last long when she throwed icy water on his face making him wake in 0.000000001 second. She raise her hand to slap him but her phone ringed so she just glared at him and left the room not forget to lock it.

Next morning****

He woke up and sat on the bed while rubbing his eyes and yawning....he jumped out of bed when he heard....

??? : Good Morning Babyboy

Taehyung ( in mind ) : ARGHH...This witch came again.....

Taehyung : M-Morning

He was on the floor rubbing his butt where he was hurt.....she crawled towards him and hovered over him while saying.....

Yn : Go freshen up quickly because.....

I have a SURPRISE for YOU !!

Taehyung : S-s-surprise ??

Yn : Yeah....

Taehyung : Are you going to free me fr----

She death glared and he shut his mouth while laughing nervously.....she gave him a flying kiss ( I'm missing our WWH ) and he gulped down his saliva while thinking why is she behaving sweetly.

After getting freshed he came out of bathroom and saw that a maid was standing there while holding the tray of food.... He went to her and took the tray then sat on the bed while eating it. Maid was looking down standing there.....

Taehyung : Hey.....if you want you can sit here ....

He said patting the seat on bed but Maid nods in negative.... Taehyung said many times but she didn't even moved an inch.... At last Taehyung pulled her hand and made her sit on the bed....Maid was shocked by his actions and tried to stood up but he didn't let her.

Taehyung : Why are so scared ??

Maid : S-sir.... M-ma'am is s-still in the m-mansion....if s-she s-saw me s-sitting h-here then s-she w-will k-kill m-me.....

Taehyung : Why ?? You're just sitting not-----


Maid's body fall on the floor being lifeless... Taehyung's tray was also on the floor cuz he also get panicked by sudden shot....he stood up and saw the WITCH.....I mean YN

He looked at the Maid's body and was feeling guilty. He went to Yn but before he said something she grabbed him by his jaw and said while gritting teeth.....

Yn : The fuck you was doing with her....

Taehyung : We were just t-talking....

Yn : Did I gave you permission to talk with anyone here ??

Taehyung : Do I need your permission to talk with an---

Before he completes his sentence she jerked him off and he fall on the floor.... He closed his eyes in order to control himself.... She was getting on his nerves....he looked at her while gritting teeth.....

Taehyung : Are you any mental patient ?? Why the hell you are killed her ??

Yn : Why you care ??

Taehyung : Cuz I'm not Heartless like you....

Done !!! As soon he said this....her eyes started getting blood red out of anger...she gritted her teeth and grabbed the nearer vase and throwed it on the dressing mirror making both vase and mirror broke in pieces.... Taehyung closed his eyes tightly out of fear.....she went to him and grabbed his neck while breathing heavily cuz of anger.....

Yn : What you said ?? I'm Heartless...right ??

Taehyung : Y-yes....y-y-you're h-heartle---

She started choking him along with digging nails on his smooth soft skin making blood comes out ....he hissed in pain and tried to defend but was of no use.....

Yn : Let me show you what the real HEARTLESS Called..... * smirk *


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