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Hey ,

I wanna discuss something and is that I know some of you are disappointed just because she cheated on her babyboy but in real she didn't cuz as you'll see a storyline where he'd himself told her that he's her babyboy. Just a Lil bit difference is that right now he's not in his innocent look or act and she's not in the state of questioning or investigating that either it's her babyboy or not.... she's f*cking affected by Viagra and also fully drunk. At that time, not only her but others too wanted to get touched , to get fucked and they'll not see...they'll not care either it's their babyboy , babygirl , Boyfriend , girlfriend, father , mother , sister, brother , any old man , any slut or whatever....The thing is that they want to get touched, to get fucked without caring who's fucking them , who's touching them. There's was a comment where someone said she's dumb , make her clever and smart , she's not looking like a queen so i just want to say that bro she's in pain and at that time only her help was KTHV. She's not on any mission that she'll look like queen neither she's in public where she'll look like mafia queen and get attention and will be called as brave, clever or whatever. Please don't curse her...she's not Mf but at that time she just wants to get f and it's wrong and your fault that you're not understanding her situation. She was not Trapped but it's him who betrayed her by mixing viagra in her drink.... Point out him Can you guys please understand her f*cking State and moreover she's drunk not blind and he's not faceless so it's obvious that she must had saw his f*cking face while he throwed her on bed or while he was fucking her. Just because she didn't reacted in shock , just because she didn't questioned him , just because she didn't investigate him , just because she didn't did anything doesn't mean you'll judge her.... And Afterall it's her real babyboy as you all know if you'd read the story carefully and if you didn't had then it's not my fault cuz some of you are commenting without understanding storyline and what exactly author want to say. I hate this shit that you guys are not understanding her situation, her pain and her state... only thing you guys want to know that Why the fuck she cheated on her babyboy , how can she loose virginity and cheat on her babyboy and all. And after this my long speech...if you still didn't understand then please go and try viagra then locked yourself in a room with your enemy whom you hate the most.... Then you'll get to know and feel Yn's real pain when you'll out of control and wanting to get fucked by your fucking enemy and he/she will fuck you too....Next morning question yourself - How can I loose my virginity to my enemy ?? OMO he/she fucked me ?? How can I loose control ?? What I did ?? Why I didn't saw viagra ?? Why I didn't stopped him/her when they were fucking me ?? Why I didn't told them to get out of room and to not touch me ?? Just why ?? And you know what's most craziest thing is that you'll realise that my words are true... You know it's your enemy but still you let yourself getting fucked up and here when she ( yn ) knows that it's her lover or babyboy then she gets fucked and you're questioning about her virginity ?? You're questioning about her character ?? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ?? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU ??? WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOUR EYES WHEN YOU WERE READING THE STORY ?? WHERE THE FUCK WAS YOUR CAPACITY OF THINKING ?? WHERE THE FUCK WAS YOUR BRAIN ?? WHY THE FUCK YOU DIDN'T TRIED TO UNDERSTAND HER INSTEAD OF QUESTIONING ?? NOW IT'S MY TURN TO ASK YOU WHYYYY ??? I WANT FUCKING ANSWER !!!!! *Scoffed* And after reading this all if you question her that she could have left from there somehow or she could have ran from there then for your kind information If you'll bleed infront of shark then it's just useless and stupidity to think and understand that shark will bandaged you or tell you " Oww.... You're bleeding... How will I eat you now....Do one thing Go and take care of yourself " ( note the sarcasm) Last but not least is that If you think that she's Heartless in previous chapters then let me remind you that it's not her but you who's Heartless.... Better use your god gifted brain.

Warning : I'm not pointing out someone
Specially....neither any of you are my enemy , lover or something so better understand what I'd said and. Not again you started commenting shitty words about me or my female character ( yn ). Think before saying anything. Don't be offend cuz I'm being calm and trying to make you understand. After my long speech , I guess I'm going loose many reads cuz I don't think it's possible to not get offend but still honestly I don't give a fuck about that cuz I know who's understanding me , Who's being attentive while reading .... So go and fuck yourself....I don't care. Thanks !!!!

*Chuckled* I didn't expected this from you guys and I thought you guys might understand her situation and pain but seems like you proved me wrong....huh ?! Anyways you know what...I wanted to ask you guys age before that smut part but I didn't asked thinking you might feel uncomfortable as most of the girls are like that and don't want to reveal their age but I guess I was wrong....I SHOULD HAD MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE... Right ??? *laughs sarcasticly* Next time I'll surely make you uncomfortable...... sorry for not making this time.....🙂

( What's your age btw 💀 )

If you think I'm being so rude then keep thinking cuz I know I'm right and I won't waste my time in proving it....Tata !!!!! 👋🏻

Have a good day / peaceful night after reading this speech 😂🙂

Be. Careful. Next. Time 🔪

Words : 1050+

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