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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Taehyung : Ignore her

These two words almost pierced her soul but still she just stood up and after putting first-aid kit there , she left while controlling her tears.

Maid : You shouldn't had said that

Taehyung : Did I said something wrong ??

Maid sat beside Taehyung and started changing his bandage.

Maid : You know what....

Taehyung : What ?

Maid : When you were kidnapped....Yn ma'am skipped her meals , every night she cried while remembering you....she tried in all way just to find you....she was so crazy that even once time when kidnappers called her then she left without thinking twice...by bare hands without caring about hers----

Taehyung : hahaha....I understand now... You both had planned to do something with me or that Yn want me to gets melt by your words and then she'll seduce me.... Aish grandma.....This is wrong....how can you support her in these type of things.... It's just has been two days I'd came back and that mafia queen can't control herself.... You know what grandma....In afternoon, she came to me and said she's trying to change herself and also she's regretting everything....Now you tell me.... Can I trust mafia's ?? They are betrayers and also they aren't trustworthy.....yk grandma... I hate mafia's from core of my heart and specially this so called Yn.... Anyways leave it.....change my bandage and please go.... I've to rest a Lil bit as that Yn is going to create mess and show her crocodile tears at night....I must had energy to hear her shits.... right ??

{ Maid = Grandma }

Grandma was just staring at him and was pitying on Yn.... after Changing , she left his room but she saw Yn was crying messily yet silently while sitting outside of Taehyung's room.

Grandma ( in mind ) : She was here whole time ?? Did she heard everything ?? OMG... My dear.....

Grandma closed the door of his room and was about to ask Yn something but before that....she stood up and ran into her room.
Grandma signed and went back into kitchen.


Taehyung : I don't know how much time it's going to take to accomplish my Mission 3.... Aish taehyung....

Out of sudden, he started laughing maniacly and few minutes later when he stopped then his lips turned into a smirk.

At night****

Taehyung came into dinning area and sat on the chair waiting for dinner to get served but....

Grandma : Taehyung

Taehyung : Yes grandma

Grandma : Can you bring Yn for dinner.... she is skipping her meals from past days and even she hadn't did her breakfast....

Taehyung : Arghhh.....Why the fuck is she acting like that.... Just wants to get attention and sympathy.... anyways

Taehyung stood up and went downstairs and after maintaining a poker and cold face , he knocked the door only to hear....

Yn : I don't have appetite... please go grandma....

Taehyung : It's me

The door immediately shot opened making him startled Lil bit but he didn't showed it and saw Yn was smiling but her eyes were dark red and puffy...dark circles were circling under her eyes and moreover her face was just showing sadness. That yn whose face used to be glow everytime is now dull... that yn who never cried just for a normal person was crying and skipping her meals... That Yn who used to make scared others but now she herself is scared of losing a normal person....that Yn who change others for herself is now trying to change herself for him....that Yn was something else and now this Yn is something else.

What if I say I'm going to bring that Yn back ??

Just kidding....🙂


Take care and byeiiiii 💜✨

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