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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Next Morning***

Yn entered in his room and saw he was not in the room....she immediately ran towards the window but she signed when she heard bathroom's door unlocking sound....she turned only to see a half naked Taehyung... His hairs were a Lil bit long and were wet too that was giving hot daddy vibe along with his body. She licked her lips and started forwarding her steps towards him....

Him being unaware of this walked past her totally ignoring her presence....now the question is that he did this intentionally or......

He went to the closet and started taking out his clothes and after taking clothes he turned and got flinched when he saw her pinning him with her one hand on closet. He smiled nervously and tried to get out but she put her hands on his neck and started tracing with her middle finger..... while Tracing till his chest she stopped in the middle and squeezed his nipple ----

Fuck fuck fuck....what I'm writing....

He left out a moan when she squeezed it... She Smirked and left that area coming down to his tummy.....he has a tummy not abs but as you know he's the Kim Taehyung so ofc even his tummy is sexy and hot....she traced her finger till his navel and then reached at his towel and tried to pull it but he immediately dropped his clothes and grabbed his towel with his one hand and with another hand he tried to push her but she grabbed his hand and pinned it on the closet....well tbh she's lucky rn that he's not using his strength or else....ahem ahem---

Taehyung : Why you came here ??

Yn : Well I just came here to inform you that.....

Taehyung : That ??

Yn : that be ready to get.....

Fucked by ME !!!

Taehyung : What ????

Yn : Why are you shocked ?? Don't you wanna get fucked by a hot mafia Queen ??

Taehyung : No

Yn : Repeat this and.....

Taehyung : I mean I don't get fucked by any girl.....

Yn : are you gay ??

Taehyung : Yes

Very good Mr. Kim Taehyung

Yn : Wtf..... You're a gay ??

Taehyung : Yes Yes Yes

Yn immediately left him and stood a Lil bit far from him while staring at him with narrow eyebrows....

Yn : It means my all flirt went in vain ??

Taehyung : Yeah

Yn : Why the hell you didn't told me earlier ??

Taehyung : You didn't asked me....

Yn : You love someone ??

Taehyung : Yeah


Taehyung : He's.....


Warning : Now Junkook is in danger 🤣🤣


I wanna ask you guys if you are cringing while reading that " romance " part ?? If yes then please do tell in comment section cuz I don't want you guys to cringe. tbh I don't wanna end this series....NOO....but I have to end it as everything has end. Well don't forget to tell me about your opinion....

Take care and love you all 💜💜

*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now