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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

And saw that Jimin was right as that girl was there sitting on her car and staring at him.....the car was parked beside the road...

He immediately looked at jimin and nods....

Junkook and Taehyung immediately hugged jimin as he was about to say something....

They were hugging him so tightly....

Jimin : Yahh....leave me....

Junkook : I'm scared hyung...

Taehyung : hyung.....how did you knew that she is here ??

Jimin : leave me first....

Junkook : Noo

Jimin : Then your banana milk----

As soon he heard it he immediately broke the hug and sat quietly while grinning....

Taehyung : Hyung.....

Junkook : I swear Jiminie hyung is learning some types on black magic....

Jimin : Yahhh dumb.... I'm not like both of you... INNOCENT.... I know about these things unlike you....

Junkook : Then tell us how did you knew that she's here....

Taehyung : Yeahh....

Jimin : Because she is obsessed....

Taehyung : Explain us clearly....

Jimin : The second name of Obsession is Stalking and she is doing that.... First time you saw her at Your workplace and catched her staring at you but....

Taehyung & Junkook : But ???

Jimin : But it was you who saw her first time there not she....

Junkook : Hyung.... please mercy on us and explain us clearly.....

Jimin : I mean to say that she is behind you from a very earlier like I can't say from when cuz it could be days , weeks , months or years .....And I don't know why but my mind is saying that she is the that person who killed that girl.....

Taehyung : Which girl ??

Junkook : That new student's sister.... Right hyung ??

Jimin : Yeah.....

Taehyung : But why she will kill her ??

Jimin : Because she stared at you in that class....

Taehyung : It means.....

Junkook : She was presented in our class at that time ??

Jimin : Maybe or maybe not cuz it also could be happen that she is staring at you from somewhere else where you can't see or maybe from CCTVs too.....

Taehyung : But what was that girl's fault in this.....

Jimin : Yeah....she was innocent in this but as Your girl----

Taehyung : My girl ?? But I'm not married yet...

Jimin : I mean to say that Creepy girl....

Taehyung : Ohh... Then why are you saying her my girl ??

Jimin : Ok.... I'm sorry...my tongue slipped...

Junkook : Hyung continue....

Jimin : yeah....so that innocent girl was nothing to do with it but as she stared at you...that creepy girl can't bear it or I say Can't bear her jealousy and as she is obsessed so she killed her.....

Junkook : It means if I'm obsessed with you and if someone else will look at you then I'll kill that person ???

Jimin : Absolutely right....

Junkook : But why ?? What was that innocent's fault ?? This is wrong hyungie...

Jimin : That's the thing kookie.... obsessed peoples are like this....In another language you can say they are like psycos.... They don't care about others...they are heartless.... if this is their then this is only their and if someone will even eye on that they it's his or her last day.

Taehyung : Hyung....what if she killed me ??

Junkook : Why would she will kill you ??

Jimin : Don't worry tae.....she maybe not kill you ....

Taehyung :What do you mean by Maybe ??

Jimin : I mean she will not kill you....she can hurt you but will never kill.....

Junkook : But why she'll hurt him ??

Jimin : if she ordered him something and he'll not do that then she'll get angry and will hurt him and as I said already that these type of persons are heartless so they don't care either you are in pain or not....

Taehyung : what will be happened to me now ???

Jimin : Don't worry...If we'll see her next time then we will ask her ???

Junkook : That why she is obsessed with tae hyung ??

Jimin : Dumbo she'll kill us at the next second.... We'll ask her why she is Stalking this person??

Taehyung : which person ??

Jimin : You Idiot....

Taehyung : Why are you calling me "this person " ??? She knows my name already...

Junkook : Did you both talked to each other ??

Taehyung : No....at that night she told me that she knows everything about me including my name too.....

Jimin : You are doomed Taehyung....she is freaking obsessed Psyco who is obsessed with you.....

Taehyung : Hyung....

Jimin : Don't worry I'm with you and just wait for her to come again.... we'll ask her...

Junkook : What do you mean by We ??

Jimin : we means we thrice....

Junkook : Hyung I don't want to die at this young age ??

Jimin : Yeah.... I'm with you... don't worry and also Taehyung don't think too much ok ??

Taehyung : ok hyung....

Jimin : Btw let's go home.... it's already getting dark.....

They left towards their homes....



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