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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Half an hour later****

KTHV came back and sat on his place with fierce and deathly gaze , he looked at Yn.... Other Members get to know something's wrong but no one said anything and here yn was also a Lil bit scared of his gaze cuz it was looking like he'll kill her in next moment just by his gaze.

KTHV : Ms. Mafia Queen..... I've a dare for you.....

Yn : Dare ?? what's that ??

KTHV : That is you've to drink with me....

Yn : *scoffs* Why would I follow your order ??

KTHV : Tell me directly that you're scared...

Yn : Rubbish !

KTHV : Then drink.....

Yn : What would I get in return ??

KTHV : You'll get to see Mafia king's face cuz mafia king know how eager mafia queen is to see his face....

Yn : Deal.

KTHV looked at members and they understood..... He poured drink in 25 glasses and put it infront of Yn.

KNJ : Mr. Quyi....can we talk for some  minute.... we've to discuss about something....This is the order of Mafia King .... Right sir ??

KTHV : Yeah....

Quyi : No problem Sir....

Other members and Quyi left from there leaving KTHV and YN alone.

He sat in a comfortable position while resting his head on the back of couch and both legs were spreaded widely....what a  position sir....He was constantly staring at her then her lips then again at her then lips then her the----

She was also not ready to break eye contact and were staring at him

KTHV : These are 25 glasses and you have to drink these all..... Are you ready ??

Yn : I'm always ready but how can I trust you that you'll show me your face..... ??

KTHV : You're also a mafia queen so if I betrayed you then you can take your revenge and do whatever you want with me.....I won't say anything....and I'm totally aware of your revenges you'd took before.

Yn : Better you don't betray....

KTHV Smirked under his mask but his eyes were burning out of anger. He calmed down himself and spreads his legs more widely and leaned into table in Namjoon's signature style.....he raised his one eyebrow and eyed her to drink....She picked up first glass and drank the drink immediately then smirked at him. He licked his lips and gulped cuz her lips was wet and that smirk was just enough to lose his control. Still Control.....

Second glass.
Third glass.
Fourth glass.
Fifth glass.
Sixth glass.
Seventh glass.
Eighth glass.
Ninth glass.
Tenth glass.

She slammed that tenth glass which was empty now.....she was breathing heavily cuz of continuous drinking.... She was half drunk and also she started feeling lil bit hot.

KTHV : Impressive Mafia Queen.....

She rolled her eyes and was about to pick up eleventh glass but.....

KTHV : Don't roll your eyes now...whole night is left yet....You might get tired before "long night"

She ignored him and immediately gulped that drink in one go....

*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now