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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

It was now evening time and Taehyung was laying on his bed thinking about Yn and her slaps.

Taehyung : She's so heartless....how could she slap me like that....Not even once but twice....Kyong is cute hihihi....I want to talk with jiminaa and kookie....Hey namjesus when I'll be free from this witch's mansion......

Door opened revealing again that witch...I mean Yn.....she came to him and sat beside him but as soon she sat there he jumped on the other side of the bed and looked at her while narrowing his eyebrows.....

Yn : What Happened ??

Taehyung : Uhh...w-why a-are y-you h-here ???

Yn : This is my mansion and I can go wherever I want Even here too.

Taehyung : Ok then....stay here.... I'm going.....

Yn : Where ??

Taehyung : In bathroom ofc.....

Yn : Can I join you ??

Taehyung : No thanks but I'm able to pee by myself....

Yn : I can help you in that....

Taehyung :If you're not blind then you can see I have two big hands and for your kind information I'm able to use them....

Saying this he immediately ran into bathroom without hearing her. She chuckled but after realising she again put her cold serious face.

It was almost 1 and half hour and Taehyung was still inside the bathroom....Yn knocked the door and said......

Yn : Did you slept there ??

Taehyung : Why you care ?? Please go.... It'll take me one hour to come outside.....

Yn : ok.....

When he realised that there was no one in the room then he opened the door slowly and peeked outside but the next moment someone pushed the door and Taehyung was now pinned on the bathroom's wall.

Taehyung : W-what a-are y-you d-d-doing here ??

She was staring at him....no.....not him but his lips.....he gulped and was about to said something but she locked his lips with hers.

He was shocked and freezed at his place. She was kissing him but he was still processing what happened....she bites his lips that made him came back to earth and he tried to push her but she was not moving even a inch instead was pushing her body against him.

Finally after few minutes later she pulled out and he breathed out but she was smirking and was licking her lips staring at his lips where she'd bited.

He looked at the nearer mirror and started crying loudly making her startled.

Taehyung : My dear lips...wuaaaa..... they're bleeding...wuaaaaa....yk my blood group is so rare.....wuaaaaa.....what if I died cuz of anemia....wuaaaaaaa

He was crying so loudly....he turned to scold her but there was no one....he came out while crying loudly and saw there was no one. Done !!!

His crying converted in laughing in the next happiness.

Taehyung : Yayyyyy.... finally that witch left.......wuuuuuuuu

He started dancing like crazy....

After few minutes later he stood infront of the mirror and started caressing his lips while cursing her.

Door opened and Taehyung jumped on the dressing.....

??? : What Happened sir ??

Taehyung : Ohh Kyong.... it's you....I thought that witch came again....

He whispered and went to her....

Taehyung : you here ??

Kyong : Ma'am is not here so that's why I came here....


*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now