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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

She walked into stage with a confident smile and stood infront of mic....

Yn : Thank you so much to each ladies and gentlemen....

Quyi : Ma'am.....Say two words please....

Yn : *chuckle* Uhh....My hands works more than my mouth..... I'm not good in words but still just wanted to say that~~~

She started speaking plastering a smile on her face.... Everyone was adoring her with so much aww.

While speaking, she felt a sharp gaze on herself....she ignored it and after 20 minutes later she lastly spoke....

Yn : And with that....I would like to break my speech....Thank you

*Everyone clapped*

Lastly after giving a wide smile, she come out of stage and while going towards her seat , she still felt that stare so she immediately titled her head to see but everyone was looking at stage. She also looked at stage but again same gaze.... Thinking it's her illusion, she ignored it and sat on her respective seat.

Quyi : Thank you so much for your precious words Ms. Yn.....Ok....So now let's welcome Mr. Kang Tan-hi.....

Everyone clapped for Kang Tan-hi and he went on stage and gave his speech then came back to his seat and sit.

Just like this Quyi called senior Mafias including Men & women and everyone did same like Tan-hi....means coming on stage , giving small speech and then sitting on their seats.

*Two and half hour later*

Quyi : Ok....So.... Finally Let's welcome..... BLACK BANG BANGTAN SONYEONDAN

Everyone was so shocked including Yn cuz BLACK BANG BANGTAN SONYEONDAN was the most powerful name in Mafia World.... No one knew how they came , when they came and who are they....They just knew that a group exist but they didn't knew who are exactly them....

Everyone stood up and clapped so loudly that Yn got flinched for a moment cuz of sudden loud....She saw.....

Those 7 men stood up in unison and after after bowing in each direction , they started going towards stage....That iconic walk by those 7 perfect humans was just so attractive and was speechless....Words were not enough to describe.They walked on the stage and stood....

Anime Man was standing in front and others were on his back.


An : Did you guys noticed that Maknae line was in mask and black suit Meanwhile hyung line was without mask and in maroon suit ?? )

That anime man was leader and we can guess it by his personality , attitude , Nature and disciplined behaviour.

Quyi : Sir.....Say two words please....

Anime man : *Pacific deep and sexy voice* First of all We're extremely sorry for making you all wait * they bows * Second is that We're so pleasured that we got a chance to came here , to meet heavenly persons like you , to interact between you , to get loved by you. *Chuckled* I know that 99.9 of you don't know us....*he gave a pierce gaze to Mafia Queen and then again continued* So.....Not much but just a quick intro of us. We are a group of 7 named as BLACK BANG BANGTAN SONYEONDAN inshort BBBTS....

I , KTHV...the leader of this group...
Him , PJM *pointing at angelic man*
Him , JJK *pointing at Playboy*
Him , KNJ *pointing at dimple man*
Him , MYG *pointing at icy man*
Him , JHS *pointing at sunshine man*
And Him , KSJ *pointing at WWH*

All of them in unison : And we're BBBTS *they bows 90°*

Anime man : I think this intro is enough *after giving a 30 minutes of speech*... As Mr. Quyi said already that why we are here so I would like to request him that please come and continue the ceremony and pleased us by your words.... PLEASE CLAP FOR HIM.... *everyone clapped for Quyi *

( An : I didn't cared while writing that but while reading.... did you guys realised the way Quyi treated BBTS , in the same way BBTS also treated him....I mean quyi called many mafias and in return he told others to clap but no one said clap for him ( quyi ) except BBTS....They are perfect example of Give respect and Take respect, This is what BTS had taught....Proud as an army....Sorry if it's weird , annoying or may feels like immature but I just gave my thoughts.... Thank you )

Everyone clapped for Quyi and him was standing in Shocked and tears in his eyes , he bows at BBTS in 90° and same goes to them , they also returned his bow with same respect and then they settled on their seats.

Quyi : Thank you so much BBBTS..... Ladies and Gentlemen, Finally your patience is over....I would like to call Ms. Yn on stage...

( An : Quyi is literally testing patience of people present there....they must be cursing him internally 😂😂 )

Ms. Yn walked into stage and stood infront of mic.

Yn : I know you all are getting impatient to hear the announcement and want to know who's your Mafia King.....So now Let's break the chain of patience and welcome our Next Mafia King Mr......................

*Pin drop silence*

Yn : Mr....................

*Still silence*

Yn : Mr....................

An : bro....speak further.....

Yn : Mr....................

( An : I'm author but still don't know why my heart is beating like a bullet train and even I'm getting impatient 😂😂😂 )

Yn : Mr....................

* Silence*

Yn : MR. KIM TAEHYUNGGGGGG *she said while looking into result card*

*୨୧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ୨୧*


Let's meet in next part.

( Words : 1000+ )
How was the part ?? Do tell me.

Sorry for my all grammatical errors.... Some words could be mistaken cuz of my autocorrect. Sometimes this autocorrect irritates me too much.... It's like my autocorrect knows more than me that what I'm going to write 😒🙄



Keep patience just like those junior and senior Mafias were doing 😂😉

Last update of today maybe.🙂

Take care of yourself 💜 💜 ✨


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