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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Inspector : Arrest them !!!

Some of the cops started coming towards members with handcuffs in their hand and was about to handcuff jimin but before that.....

Namjoon immediately came infront of jimin covering like a shield and pushed other members behind him... Namjoon was at front then jimin then junkook then hobi then Yoongi and the last shield was Jin.

Namjoon : Tell us the reason first ??

Inspector : All of you had Killed Kim Taehyung.....

Yoongi : WHAT THE -------

Jin pinched him softly and Yoongi stopped while glaring at inspector....

Namjoon : Any proof of your statement ??

Inspector : Yeah.....
1st - No one of you is harmed after that blast.... everyone is looking fit and fine...

Namjoon : Junkook and jimin are harmed an------

Inspector : It could be that Mr. Kim Taehyung had shotted them in order to save himself.....

Namjoon : Bu----

Inspector : 2nd - If you'll had not killed him then where's your complaint ?? You guys should had complained about this accident in police station but no....no any complaint nothing.....

Namjoon : Sir....Our members were injured and also our sister Yn is admitted in hospital so we didn't get any chance to file complai-----

Inspector : Your members were not injured that badly and one more thing Do you have any proof that Ms. Yn is your sister ??

Hobi & Yoongi : She's our sister and if you want you can----

Inspector : As far I know then You're Jung hoseok and you're Min Yoongi then care to explain why your surnames are different ??

Yoongi : Actuall---- *Hobi cuts him in between*

Hobi : You can ask to doctor.... she's our sister.....

*Doctor and nurse came*

Inspector : Your patience Ms. Yn is Their sister ??

Doctor : Ye-----

Nurse : No sir.....

Inspector : Reason of this statement ??

Nurse : Sir....Few minutes ago , Ms. Yn was attacking them saying she'll kill them specially this guy named junkook....

Namjoon : Sir.... She's in trauma cuz Taehyung and Yn were lover an------

Inspector : No.....Kim Taehyung was a rapist of Ms. Yn and just because of this reason... Y'll killed Mr. Kim Taehyung....You guys should had filed complaint instead of murdering....

Members were in Shocked that how did these information leaked and most important thing who filed case against them.....

Namjoon : Sir..... There's nothing like that... He is not any rapist or something... it's jus---


Inspector shouts on junior cops and they started handcuffing them....

Members : Sir.... listen to us....Sir please... You'd got wrong information.... We're not like that type of person...he was our bestfriend more like brother an------

Inspector : Mr. We've proof of these all....

Jin : Who had filed complaint and show us...

Inspector : A man had complaint about you guys and also he'd give us strong proof including videos , photos and voice recordings where you'll had planned how to murder Kim Taehyung.....

Hobi : Sir.... you must be mistaking something......sir.......

Cops started dragging members but then junkook grabbed inspector's lag while tears in his eyes and said....

Junkook : Sir.... Please atleast let us complete our hyung's funeral.... please sir... I beg you.... We'll not run.... please sir.... After hyung's funeral , we'll surely come back.....sir..... please......As a last wish, please accept this......this is my humble request..... please sir.... please.....

Junkook was pleading him through choking in tears and members were also sobbing silently cuz of Junkook's situation and these all incidents happened in just one day.....

Taehyung's death , Yn's trauma , attack in Yn's Mansion which caused maids and guards to lose their lives ,misunderstanding of Yn about members , jimin's trauma , Yn's admitted on hospital and their arresting...

Inspector : Do you think I'll trust you murders ??

Junkook : Sir.... please....I beg you.... I'll do everything you'll say.... Please Sir....try to understand.... Let us free till next Afternoon and after that you can arrest us....I beg you.... Please sir.... please.... please.... please.....

Junkook's face was totally red and his face , neck and chest was soaked in tears.... Members were looking somewhere else cuz they were unable to see junkook in that condition.....

Inspector : Ok..... but don't you dare or else----

Junkook : Thank you thank you thank you so much sir.....

Junkook's eyes shined in happiness and he stood up and looked at other members only to catch them already crying out...

Junkook : Don't cry hyungs..... See.... We can see our Taehyung hyung last time.... Don't cry.....

All of them hugged junkook while crying and everyone including cops and members left from there....

Junior cops will always stay with members cuz ofc not any police will trust murders... no matter how pain that murderer is going through....no matter how rich or famous that murderer is....no matter how trustworthy that murderer is in people's eyes.......Right ??

Members reached at Yn's mansion along with cops.... members were scared and gulping down their saliva cuz ofc mansion was filled with dead bodies , blood and broken things....Jin slowly opened the door while closing his eyes tightly and.... TADAA

When they didn't Heard anything then they slowly opened Their eyes only to see the floor was shining like mirror and Jin can see his WWH face there ( An : Smile guys , don't be tensed and serious ) No any dead bodies...... Cops went and sat on the couch meanwhile members looked at eachother in shockness and confusion.....


??? : Finally that Yn is alone in hospital... Your death is coming Ms. Mafia Queen *smirk while licking knife*


Take care and byeiiiiiiii ✨

Love you all so muchhhhhhhhhh💜💜💜

Hope you get peaceful sleep 🙂😶

Words : 1000

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