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It's my humble request to all of you out there that please vote for BTS and Taehyung.... We're on second position and loosing. Please go and vote.....

we're in very bad condition....We need to unite together and have to support our boys.... Please....

•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

??? : Who said that I'm not alive ???

Yn and Quyi raise their head up only to see......KIM TAEHYUNG

He was wearing Bullet proof jacket under that long blazer , Black skinny pant with heavy high heel shiny boots...his hands were covered in black gloves and Face was covered under mask but eyes and hairs were enough for Yn to recognise her love.

Yn : b-b-b-babyboy ??

Quyi : Hahahahahaha....OMG....See my mind is illusioning now that I'm seeing Taehyung standing infront of me....

Taehyung : This ain't illusion Mr. Quyi

Yn : Babyboy.....You ar----

Quyi snatched the gun from her hand and points on her while grabbing her neck but there Yn was flowing happy tears....

Quyi : If you forwarded even a step then she'll get forwarded this world to hell....

Taehyung : Leave her.... I'm your enemy then fight with me....Why are you using a woman as your shield.....

Quyi : Why are being scared....Is she your woman ???

Taehyung : The fuck Leave her....

Quyi : I-------

Yn kneed her elbow on Quyi's stomach and snatched the gun from his hand but before she do anything , Taehyung shot 15 bullets on Quyi's body.... Yn's eyes widen....

Other men of quyi also entered but Taehyung immediately grabbed Yn's wrist and while dragging towards the window , He left her wrist and while grabbing her waist tightly, he jumped out of window through a rope....

While going down.... Taehyung was looking up in order to see if any of man is coming or not but Yn was staring at Taehyung with tears in her eyes.....she forwards her hand to Remove mask but Before that they successfully landed on ground and again Taehyung grabbed her wrist and started running from there while firing on those men who were coming infront of Taehyung.

Few minutes later , Taehyung reached to his car and opened the passenger seat.......

Taehyung : Sit

Yn : ................

Taehyung : Hello madam.....Where you lost ?? Sit here or else we'll be sitting on hell infront of car seat......

Yn : You're alive ??

Taehyung : No.... I'd asked for some holiday in hell and when I was enjoying my holidays here then I saw you are kidnapped so I thought to activate my mafia power and save you......

*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now