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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

As soon call ends , Taehyung entered in her room with a plate full of food and put it on the bed....He made her sit on the bed and Also sat himself while taking plate in his hand. He took food on chopsticks and put it infront of her mouth while smiling cutely. She was staring at him continuously...he gulped cuz of her gaze as well started getting panic too internally.

Taehyung : What Happened ??

Yn : So it was you last night.....?

He maintained his Innocent face and spoke

Taehyung : W-what a-are y-you saying ??

Yn : You're the mafia king.....

Taehyung : Are you stupid or you'd lost your mind last night.....while getting fucked

While saying this he furiously stood up putting food plate on side table and turned his back towards her cuz now sweats drop were started forming on his forehead....he was gulping down his saliva continuously...

Lie is lie no matter how big actor you're but you can't win truth and this is universal truth..... agree ??

Yn : You're KTHV and you were the one who fucked me last night....

He closed his eyes out of anger cuz he again remembered about his plan which was flopped cuz of her....he thought to grab her and do it again just like last night but he can't.

He breathed out slowly without her knowing and while maintaining a innocent face with a cute smile , he turned and spoke....

Taehyung : Seems like you're still drunk ??

Yn : You're not my babyboy.... you're KTHV

Taehyung : Do you have any proof ??

Yn : K means Kim , T means Tae and H means Hyung....Kim Tae-hyung.....

He started laughing and she was just staring at him being cold....

Taehyung : How fool you're..... Ok.... I'm mafia king..... hahahahahahahahaha

Yn : You're also that Mask Man

Taehyung : Mask man ??? Now who's him... Hahahahahahaha......

Yn : You're that sticky note obsessed lover

Taehyung : Bro....how many characters had left now.... hahahahahahahahahaha.....

Yn : You mixed viagra in my drinks

Taehyung : Ok.....

Yn : Your plan gets ruined cuz of me

Taehyung : I agree

Yn : You killed mafia king

Taehyung : I did....then ??

Yn : You know my half past....

Taehyung : Hmm....I know

Yn : Your crime parters are Junkook and Jimin....

Taehyung : they are my best friends so ofc they will be.....

Yn : You killed Yang chang

Taehyung : You want him alive ??

Yn : You kidnapped Senkaii-Kim

Taehyung : Why do you care ??

Yn : You are V

Taehyung : Yess

*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now