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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Ten days later***

Yn was in her room Staring at ceiling...in these last ten days , she tried to find Taehyung but failed. Every night she cry by remembering taehyung. Maids were also tensed up and were praying for Taehyung back.

Another two days later***

Yn was in her room crying messily but then she heard a knock....she ignored it but cuz of continuous knock , she opened it and saw maid was standing there while smiling.....

Yn : I don't want to do breakfast

Maid : Ma'am..... Taehyung sir is back

Yn : WHAT ??? WHERE IS HIM ???

Maid : There....

Maid said while pointing into living room... Yn's eyes shined cuz of happy tears but soon her happy tears turned into sad ones when she saw Taehyung.

His head , arm , leg and right hand was bandaged... Yn ran to him and hugged him tightly while crying out.

Few minutes later , he looked at him only to catch him looking weirdly at her...she chuckled and pinched his nose making him scared for a reason. Her smile fades when she noticed his scared face....well it was her deed.

Yn : Let's eat breakfast.....

Taehyung : What h-happened s-suddenly ??

Yn : What do you mean ??

Taehyung : You are b-behaving s-s-sweetly

Her heart felt a pang.

Yn : C'mon... let's eat....You must be hungry

She stood up and went into the kitchen... She immediately served breakfast in a plate and came to him.....after sitting beside him and putting the food plate on her lap , she took a spoon full of rice and put it infront of Taehyung's mouth while smiling....

Yn : Open your mouth now

Taehyung didn't opened his mouth instead of it , he was looking at her while narrowing his eyebrows...he pinched himself to see it's dream but it was not....he pinched her and she also hissed.... Taehyung slapped his cheeks two times but IT WAS NOT ANY DREAM.

Yn : This is not a dream....Open your mouth....food is getting cold.....

Taehyung : I don't have appetite and also I don't want to eat by your hands.....

Her smile again drops and an urge to cry ran through her veins but she controlled herself and let out a heavy breath.

Yn : it's ok...but..... atleast eat a little bit.... not by my hands but---

Taehyung : Can you go from here.... I'm uncomfortable......

Yn put the food plate and after giving a weak smile to him , she turned and started going upstairs while tears were continuously falling on her cheeks.

A hour later***

Someone knocked the door of her room and she opened it and her lips immediately turned into a smile after seeing him. Taehyung was standing there with a poker face , she tried to hold his hand but he backed off a little bit. She understood and let him enter. He entered a little bit and.....

Yn : You wanna tal----

Taehyung : I just came here to take my luggage.... I'm shifting back into my room

Saying this he looked outside and there a guard came in... That guard was about to take Taehyung's suitcase but yn stopped and said to taehyung....

Yn : But why ?? Isn't it ok here....in my ro--

Taehyung : I don't want see breaking of mirrors , vases and other things everyday.... I want a quiet environment....

Yn : umm....It won't happen again I promise

Taehyung : *scoffs* Remember....You were the one who told me that " Promises are meant to be broken "

Saying this he rolled his eyes and left from there while guard carried luggage to his previous room.


Just a quick question... How's story going ?? Please give me your honest answer.....If it's not going good then please do tell me....I want your honest answer.


Take care ✨💜

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