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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Next morning***

Taehyung woke up by a harsh splash of water which felled on his face making his breath even for a second.

He opened his eyes and saw you were standing infront of him Smirking evily.... He looked around but it was not a dark room but a big room whose walls were dark black giving negative vibes. Everything was black there either in dark black or light one. Only Lamps were brightning the room....

Yn : Babyboy..... slept well ??

Taehyung : No

Yn : WHAT ???

Taehyung : I mean yeah....I slept well....

Yn : Good boy....now get ready quickly....

Taehyung : Are you freeing me ???

Yn : * death glared *

You left from there and he wiped his tears which left from his eye.

He stood up and went towards the window.... There he looked around and thought for a second then....

Taehyung : I think I can go from here ?? Should I try ?? What if that witch came in again ?? Leave it..... We'll see then....

Without thinking twice he jumped from window and falls on the grass....he looked here and there and saw some Bodyguards were standing infront of the exit area.... He somehow ran from there while hiding between the grasses and plants.


Night Time****

Taehyung was on his working area serving drinks cuz he thought she forgot him also she didn't get looked anywhere so he confirmed himself that he's now out of danger.....

After ranning from there he reached at his apartment then he got ready for the interview and left but to his unluck he got rejected ofc it was going to be happen.

Present time is that he was looking at those dancing humans who were out of their sense.....

Suddenly he flinched when someone pat his shoulder....he looked at the person and he was his boss.... Taehyung bowed at him and smiled nervously cuz his boss Never came to him like this....

Boss : Two bottles of Makgeolli , Five bottles of Soju and 1 bottle of Sansachun. Serve these drinks in VIP room no. 7.

Taehyung : o-ok....boss

Boss left and Taehyung took out his orders and started going towards the room thinking about this weird behaviour of his boss.

He reached infront of the room and knocked it. Someone opened the door and he intered in. There were so many of peoples were sitting.it was looking like they're in meeting.

A man gestured taehyung to stood in the corner and he did so cuz he was a Lil bit scared cuz of their auras.

After good 15 minutes laters some of the mens started leaving while handshaking with someone who was sitting on the head chair facing back towards Taehyung.

The same gestures taehyung to come and sit on one of the table. Taehyung was confused and now his soul was guessing something.

Taehyung somehow sat infront of that person while his legs were shaking cuz of fear.

Man : Did you bring those drinks ??

Taehyung : Y-yes s-sir

After hearing this that man and others left the room leaving poor taehyung with that human who was sitting while hanging head low.

Taehyung : C-can I g-go n-now ??

??? : Why so hurry......BABYBOY !!!!


*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now