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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

At XXYYZZ place***

Yn reached there and Before coming out of the car , she got a call from an unknown number....


Yn : wh---

??? : hahaha....How scaredy you're...haha

Yn : Who the fuck you're ??

??? : Now mafia queen is so weak that she's here with those many of guards... hahaha


??? : I'm not Mf but I can f you so badly that you won't be able to walk for next 9 months.....

Yn : So this is you....

??? : Anii... I'm not whom you're thinking.... I just Still remember this iconic line said by that mask man who is also enemy of you....

Yn : Mask man ??

??? : Yeah....You remember that man on whom chest you carved W letter....yk I was pitying on him at that time....

Yn : How tf you know that ??

??? : Honestly....I think he Loves you more than anything

Yn : * scoffs * Yk I didn't knew my fans are everywhere.....

Yn was slowly entering in that jungle...yeah this place was a jungle.... actually she was tangling him between her talks but for her unluck....

??? : I see how you're trying to be smart but you better stop where you're or else your babyboy is dead.

Yn closed her eyes tightly in annoyance and stopped at her place....she was standing in between of woods. She heard some sounds coming from all directions....wait....She was trying to find out where's this sound exactly coming from but failed. Secretly....She was preparing her both revolver full of bullets... Her both hands were clutching revolvers.

??? : Hello..... Hello.....Are you dead ??

Yn : Tf you want...tell me clearly...

??? : What's this tone baby....You don't even know me and is talking like this.... I'm sad... Make me happy now....

Yn : Yeah MF.....Come infront of me and you'll be fucked up by my bullets

??? : I'd never fucked my mother and here you continuously calling me MF.....this is wrong yniieeee....wait.....If I fucked you then it means I'll be called as Ynfucker... right ??? Yayyyyyyyyyyy

Yn : yo----

Call ends

Yn looked around and was about to forward her steps but got a message saying....

Message : I told you stop right there or else your babyboy is dead !!

She rolled her eyes and stood there....a minute later , a bright light fall into her face making her closed eyes tightly cuz that light was too bright.

Few minutes later...when light turned off then she slowly opened her eyes only to see a person in formal blue suit was tied with ropes... His clothes was totally wet....and his face was covered with a black clothes.... another tall man was standing behind him while pointing gun towards his head.

Yn : Yang ?? ( That tall man )

Yang : Yeah baby..... it's me

Yn : Leave him or else....

Yang : or else ??

Yn immediately pulled out her one of the gun and points at him but he laughed and hit that hostess ( that man is suit ) making him kneed....

Yn : better leave him or else you won't be able to see tomorrow's sun....

Yang : Saying who ?? A pathetic Heartless Little girl who don't even know what's love....I doubt YOU REALLY LOVE THIS BOY ??

Yang's word directly hitted on her chest... Her second weakness were those words... First weakness is babyboy.... this time don't know why but she didn't got angry but instead of that wanted to cry her heart out because this words were said by her Most wanted enemy....And honestly your enemy is your biggest and truest fan.

But .......Yn ignored her all emotions and everything cuz her mind hit her like tadow... I mean her mind hitted her and made her remembered about babyboy....

Yang : What are you thinking mafia queen ?? By any chance.... You're doubting on your love oops not love but obsession hahahahah....


Yang : Yeah....I still remember that you brutally killed him just because your mf dad left your mom and married to my dad's ex


Yang : I don't care....If you wanna kill me then you can do that....if you wanna fuck me you can do that....if you wanna torture me you can do that....if you wanna leave me you can do that....you can do whatever you want but have you ever thought that what'll be happen after my death ?? Another Yang will be replaced....how many yangs you'll kill....hmmm ??

His words were carrying meaning and also Yn's mind was opening by his words... somewhere in her mind, she was thinking about her past , present and also about future....If you'll carefully see yang's words then there you'll also be obligated to think. This is what running through Yn's mind. No doubt Yang was her enemy but this time he was not acting like an enemy....

Something is fishy for sure....

Yn : Yang....If you're enough of your speech then can we come to the point ??

Yang : Oh....So you're that eager to see your babyboy death....

Yn : better you don't do anyth----

Yang kneed on that man's back and he fall on his mouth....


Yang : Arghhh....Why are you being so annoying ?? You also know I won't leave him without killing.... anyways.... let's me show his face for last time as he's going to be dead in next minutes.....

Saying this Yang harshly pulled out that cloth from his face and......

Yn : J-J-J-Jimin ??? * mumbled *



I want to ask you guys something •••

First of all How's story going ??

Second is Do you guys know who's that man whom Yn carved W letter on his chest ?? If yes then comment down and from the next part , we'll address him by his name....is it ok ??

Third is Are you guys enjoying or not ??

Fourth is that Just few chapters are left and the end of this story  series ??

Fifth is that This part is so long comparing to others ...... I'm talking rubbish ik 🤦

Sixth is that Take care and love you 💜💜

Seventh is that Byeee 😂

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