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Tonight.....I successfully broke my phone as it slipped down and hit it's screen on floor and now it's looking like a trash. Can you guys lend me some money....I wanna repair it....😭😭

•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Yn left from there and went in her room... There she entered in the bathroom, pulled out her clothes and step on bathtub but few seconds later her phone rangs and she frustratly came out of tub , wrapped towel around her body and took her phone. It was a call from unknown number....


Yn : wh-----

??? : Your babyboy is with me... Address ABCD deserted building and yeah come alone or else your babyboy will be deserted from this world.

Before she said anything, call ends and she immediately took a shower and wore her clothes then left from the mansion without telling anyone , without taking anything nor even a gun....

She immediately took her car and drove away towards that location... just in few minutes she reached there and ran inside the building. She ran and started shouting....


She was standing at a place and was looking here and there but then suddenly someone kicked her hardly on her back that she fell on her face. She immediately turned only to see that same warning guy....His dress up was same as that day.... She gritted her teeth.


??? : You really love your babyboy...hmm...


??? : Ohh.... I'm here to f*ck you...

Yn : so you tricked me.... BASTA----

He immediately slapped her and whispered....

??? : Told you that day....No curse Mafia Queen....

Yn immediately raise her head , looked at him and punched him hardly on his face making him fall a Lil bit far from her. She stood up and jumped on him and started punching him on his face but he grabbed her hand and pushed her harshly on the floor....he tightens his mask in order to not make it fall.

??? : I warned you already that don't kill those innocent peoples but you didn't listened to me....Now get ready....


Saying this she looked at him with her dark gaze...she took a log and started going towards him....he smirked under his mask and started going towards her. Suddenly she attacked with that log but as soon log fall on his body , the log itself broke down in pieces and it didn't hurted him cuz he was normal.

She looked at him but he punched her on stomach that made her spit blood....she fall on the floor and started coughing. He came to her and whispered....

??? : Haha....Woman ☕

Done !!!

She immediately punched him on his left chest and he falls back....she grabbed him by his collar making him stood and started punching him in his stomach....

Yn : Women ☕ ??? Now see what this woman can do.....

She kneed on his stomach and this time he spits Blood but as he was wearing mask so she didn't saw it and blood started flowing from under his mask.

She pushed him harshly on the wall and this time she punched him on his arm and he fall on the side....he was looking like he'll faint at any moment.....she again grabbed him by his collar and this time she twists his hand and pinned him on the wall while he was facing his back to her....she twist his hand but nothing...she twist more hard but nothing....this time she twist with her full strength and he screamed in pain.

??? : AHHHHH

Yn : Think twice to call a woman....women ☕....Mf

Lastly she kicked him on his back and left from there while wiping her blood which was on her lips.

??? : I'm so proud of you my babygurl......Be ready for OUR upcoming Mission !!!


Take care 💜👍🏻

*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now