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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

It was the same girl from the club....she looked at him and winked at him then drove off her car in the speed of light.

Taehyung immediately closed or I say locked the car and ran into his bedroom... There he hide inside the blanket and slept while thinking about her....

Next Morning ****

He woke and remembered the last night thing but also shrugged it off thinking it could be coincidence....

He freshed up , ate breakfast and came out from his apartment but his breath hitched as soon he turned just to see that same car.

He ignored it and till then his friends also came he get along with them....

While going with them he turned to see that car but he didn't knew this was his biggest mistake cuz as soon he turned he saw the same girl staring into his soul.... He gulped and immediately turned his head back.

He thought to tell about this with his friends but then again he thought to ignore it as he thought maybe it could be coincidence or something.

Time skips

( Few months later )

In these months Taehyung always saw that girl wherever he go but he never get dared to ask why she is following him or something else cuz he always thought that maybe he is overthinking about her that's why she is looking everywhere.

But today he thought to ask about this to his friends.

In a park***

Thrice of these Bestfriends were sitting on the park chitchatting....

Junkook : I can't believe tomorrow is our last day in the university....

Jimin : Yeah.... Our farewell....

Taehyung : Hyung..... I want to ask something ??

Junkook : What Happened hyung ??

Jimin : I'm noticing you Taehyung... Nowadays you are little bit different....

Junkook : Agree....

Taehyung : Umm hyung.... Actually.....

Jimin : Say it clearly....

Taehyung : Hyung I'm telling you from Starting.....

Jimin : Go ahead....

Taehyung : Hyung there is a girl.... first time I saw her at my workplace then outside of my apartment and then again next morning... You know hyung she is always behind like wherever I go....One thing about her is so annoying and is that she always stare at me no matter what and even without blinking....To be honest her stare is so creepy hyung.....

Junkook : Tae hyung.... Another girl in love with you....

Jimin : No.....This is not Love....

Junkook : Then ??

Jimin : It means.....

Junkook & Taehyung : Means ????

Jimin : She is......

Junkook : Yahh hyung.... tell us clearly.....

Jimin : She is.....

Junkook & Taehyung : she is ???

Jimin : OBSESSED !

Taehyung : What ???

Jimin : Yeah.... She is OBSESSED with you Taehyung...... * Scary voice *

Junkook : Yahh.... Stop scaring us...

Jimin : I'm stating truth.....

Taehyung : Leave it kookie....he is just blabbering nonsense....

Junkook : Yeah....

Jimin : Taehyung....look around here and then tell me can you see her ??

Taehyung : Hyung....how can she be here ??

Jimin : She is here.....

Junkook : Jiminie hyung....why are you frightening us ??

Jimin : Taehyung....look around.....

As jimin said this so Taehyung travelled his eyes everywhere and......


Take care

*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now