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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Saying this...he looked at both humans namjoon and Jin...both of them Smirked and namjoon harshly pulled that man's hair making him look above and......

Yang & Yn : Senkaii-Kim ??

??? : Now tell me Mr. Yang....Whom you want ?? Mafia Queen or Senkaii-Kim ??

Yang : Both

??? : Hahahahahahaha....so you think I'm here to entertain you ??

Yang : Do you think I care....

??? : Leave jimin and take this Mafia Queen

Yn : Wtf

Yang : Ok....deal

??? : Leave him

Yang : You go first

??? : No....I don't trust you

Yang : So do I...

??? : *fake cough*

Hearing this , Jimin immediately kneed elbow in yang's stomach and snatched the gun from him and pointed it to him.

Jimin : hahaha....Now see... what this shorty can do....

Yang : YOU bast---

Jimin slapped on yang's cheek and said...

Jimin : First of all you were calling me shorty and now you're cursing...huh ?!


Yang :Wait....no one is your babyboy here

Yn : Hey you....Tell me where's my babyboy... I'm sure it's must be you whom had kidnapped him....

Yn said while side eyeing at that mask guy.

??? : How can you be sure babygirl ??

Yn : Becau---

That mask guy immediately pulled yn behind a tree and shouts....


Jimin , Junkook , namjoon and Jin immediately hide behind tree.

Junkook immediately teared his night dress revealing his bulletproof black outfits along with two fully loaded revolvers.

Jimin was having only one gun but yeah it was also loaded.

Namjin were together but they were having only one revolver full of loaded bullets. Namjoon gave his revolver to Jin and....

Jin : What is this ??

Namjoon : Mirror

Jin : What ??

Namjoon : Ofc this is revolver... can't you see ??

Jin : I mean why are you giving me this.... What are you going to carry ??

Namjoon : My hands are enough

Jin : wtf.... Take this

Jin said while giving revolver to namjoon but namjoon didn't took that and hide behind another tree.


Yn pulled out her another revolver. Mask man looked at her and said.......

Mask man : What are you going to do ??

Yn : I'm going to sing infront of them and this gun will be mic....which song would you like to hear sir ??

She said sarcasticly and ran behind another tree.

Mask man : Guys....I think Yang's brothers are also here....Get alert and yeah take care

He said through His microphone and all of them gives him thumbs.

Finally firing started. Yang's men were too much....like about 50+ or more than that.

Few minutes later***

Junkook fired but no bullet comes out... He throwed the revolver and started fighting with his hands and feets. He was fighting so smoothly yet professionally. His one punch was enough for each person.

Jimin's bullet were also over so he pulled out a small jar of jam and throwed it towards the two men who were coming towards him like zombie. He also started fighting...

Jimin : Guys wait.... I'm tired....Rest for a second please...

He said while showing his palms to those men who were going to attack him...they confusingly sat beside him and that's when jimin knocked them with his both knees and done. They sat forever.

Jin was also over with his bullets so he also started fighting and a man slapped his face...


Saying this Jin started punching that man until he died and others men too who were attacking him....

Namjoon was without revolver but as he said already his hands are enough so do it was....his one light punch was making them travel to whole world. He was knocking them out continuously.....

Yn was fighting with yang's brothers...they were three but two of them were attacking on her....she was shooting them but they were getting even a bullet....same goes to them, they were also shooting her but she's mafia queen for a reason. After their bullets were over....Yn came out and attacked on them....Both brothers also attacked her but seems like she was more stronger than her.

You wanna know what's happening with mask man ??? Then wait for the next part...


Do tell me how's it going ????

Take care byeiii 💜 💜 💜 💜

*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now