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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Yn got up and entered in the bathroom but she got shocked when she saw.....

Yn : Eomma ???

Eomma : How are you my dear ??

Yn ran to her and hugged her tightly....her eomma also hugged her back and....

Yn : Eommaaaa..... *crying*

Eomma : Calm down dear and listen to me carefully.....

Yn : What happened eomma....

Eomma : Daughter....I know that you're obsessed with Taehyung and I also know what you did with him.....this is wrong dear

Yn : Eomma....how did you kno---

Eomma : Dear.... I'm your first bestfriend right ??

Yn : Yes

Eomma : Then do whatever I'm telling you....... My daughter , Don't make same mistake or else you'll lose taehyung just like me.....turn your Obsession into love

Yn : Eom----

Yn saw her mom vanishing into air and she came back to reality when....

Maid : Ma'am....Your bathtub is ready

Yn : huh.... bathtub ?!

Maid : Yes ma'am....You told me to do that...

Yn : hmmm.....You can go now

Maid bows and left from there....Yn stood up and went in bathroom...she sat into bathtub after pulling out her all clothes.

She closed her eyes and her mind started processing her eomma's words. She was overthinking and seems like it was working.

Yn's mind : Yn.... Don't listen to anyone... You're doing good as always.... You don't have to change into love....

Yn's heart : but it's wrong....she should listen to her mom....she can't stay Obsessed on someone who don't even like her.....this is totally wrong

Yn's mind : It's not important that either he like her or not....

Yn's heart : It's important

Yn's mind : Why ?? Afterall after giving love and care to her...one day he'll also leave making her heartbroken

Yn's heart : Are you f*cking kidding me ?? Do you think Taehyung is like that he'll left her ??

Yn's mind : And what made you think that he won't leave her ??

Yn's heart : Because he's so innocent soul and soft hearted person...and I believe if yn will love her then he'll love her more harder

Yn's mind : *scoffs* Love love and love... shut up and You Yn.... Don't change your Obsession....

Yn's heart : Yn....You should listen to your mom....You won't ???

Yn's mind : No she won't....Only obsession

Yn's heart : No obsession but Love

Yn's mind : Obsession

Yn's heart : Love

Yn's mind : Obsession

Yn's heart : Love

Yn's mind : Obsession

Yn's heart : Love

Yn's mind : Obsession

Yn's heart : Love

Yn's mind : obs----


Yn started crying and held her hair in her fist....

Yn : Jesus..... What should I do ??

Right now she wanted to cry her heart out and she did... Don't know why but out of sudden , guilt ran into her veins and somewhere she was feeling so guilty cuz of her all behaviours....How many innocent souls she killed and reason was her obsession....how many times she let out her short temper on Taehyung and tried to hurt him and reason was her obsession... Her obsession made her lose her loved ones and now this Obsession was letting her way out towards Taehyung.... She don't wanted to lose him just because of her f*cking obsession...no.... She losed enough now she'll turn her obsession into love... Yeah....She have to do that.

Yn immediately came out of bathtub and wore a casual shirt and pant along with boots. She looked at herself into mirror and tried to control her tears but it didn't and she silently cried for few minutes then she wiped it and smiled weakly....

Yn : I miss you so much....babyboy.....


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