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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

The door immediately shot opened making him startled Lil bit but he didn't showed it and saw Yn was smiling...

Taehyung : Dear.... Let's go and have dinner with us....

Her eyes shined in happiness but....

Taehyung : I'm just repeating grandma's words.... *emotionlessly*

Yn's heart again dropped and she said...

Yn : Uhh....I don't have appetite....

Taehyung : Did I asked you ?? *rolls eyes* Grandma just told told me say this to you...

Saying this he left from there while gulping down his saliva cuz his heart was clenching badly seeing her in this situation but Kim Taehyung was just there for his MISSION. So he don't care about this sh!t.

He again went and sat on the chair ready to attack on food but....

Grandma : What Happened ??

Taehyung : huh ?!.....Umm....She told me that she wants to eat in her room....

Grandma : Ohk then...Take this food and giv----

Taehyung : Not now but few minutes later cuz she's taking shower now.....

Grandma : ohh....Btw Taehyung....umm....

Taehyung : yes

Grandma : Actually My daughter is pregnent and she wants----

Taehyung : Don't worry grandma....Go and take care of her.....And yeah don't worry that witch.

Grandma : Thank you so muchhhh son....I hope you also gets pregnant soon....

Taehyung : Huh ?!

Grandma : Aish....I mean your wife....no....no... Your soon to be wife.... no....no.... Future wife.....no....wai---

Taehyung : Aish grandma.....I understand what you want to say......

Grandma : hehe.....Btw I'm going....Take care of Ma'am.....

Taehyung : Take care of yourself grandma

Grandma left from there and here Taehyung wiped his hands and after taking her food plate , he ran upstairs and stood infront of her room.

After letting out a heavy breath, he maintained a poker face and knocked door. She didn't opened it so he knocked again... No answer...he started getting tensed up and this time he knocked with a loud sound....No response.... without wasting a second , he pushed the door only to see an empty room....he put the food plate on side table and was about to shout but then he heard bathroom door unlocking sound.... He turned only to see Yn was in towel. She didn't noticed him but here him was staring at her head to toe.

Finally she noticed him and their eyes locked....no one was ready to break it but then Mr. Kim f*cking Taehyung remembered his role and again spit heartbreaking words......

Taehyung : Is this new way to seduce ??

She didn't said anything but was staring at him with hurtful eyes.....

Taehyung : Your dinner is there....Eat it.

Yn : I don't have appetite....

Saying this she went to her dressing and started drying her hair meanwhile he came behind her and said.....

Taehyung : look.... I'm not going to request but just telling you eat it....


She said in loud voice while turning to him.....

He Smirked secretly and out of sudden , he pinned her onto dressing table and grabbed her jaw harshly....

Taehyung : See....You can't change yourself....you know....for a second I can admit that sun rose from east but you and change....Nope....Ms. Mafia Queen... Changing yourself is not easy as firing bullet..... hahaha.... You'll change ??....OMG literally I can't get over this joke....Mafia Queen will change..... hahahahahahaha


Take care of yourself 💜 💜

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