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Fuck....7.7k ?? I'm fucking crazy right now.... I'm died out of happiness.....7 is the most luckiest number for me and we freaking reached here...Thank you so much babygurls.....I didn't knew I'll get this much support.....😭😭😭

•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Doctor : He needs fresh air and also he needs to walk everyday... atleast 2 hour cuz his body is becoming lazy and also his body functions are not working completely cuz of lack of movements... Actually he had fainted cuz of these reasons.... His body is becoming lazy day by day.....You all better take care of him.......

After saying that doctor left from there and Taehyung smirked secretly and again started his acting....

Taehyung : Ahh....my head.... it's going to burst out.....

Guard : Let it be

Taehyung : What ??

Guard : It's empty already so.....

Hearing this Taehyung immediately started crying loudly more like bursting their eardrums.....They closed their ears from both hands and said....

Maids & Guards : Please Stop sir

Taehyung : No.... First let me get out of this room or else wuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Guards : Wait.... first stop

Taehyung Smirked secretly and stopped crying meanwhile guard pulled out his phone and few seconds later the phone connected.


Guard : Hello ma'am

Yn : Yes.....did he ran again ??

Guard : No ma'am.... actually....*told her everything except his crying *

Yn : Ok but be careful

Guard : Yes ma'am

Call ends

Taehyung : Was it that witch ??

Guard : Yes..........wait..........witch ??

Taehyung : Your dEaR Yn ma'am ofc.......btw where is she ??

Guard : Why you want to know ??

Taehyung : Just for information

Guard : And why you want that Information ??

Taehyung : Just Imagine......What if someone attacked her and made her injured badly that she can't even walk.....

Guard : You don't know our Yn..... she's much stronger than anyone.....

Taehyung : What if that person came out stronger than her ??

Guard : Stop your useless imagination and one more thing don't you dare to get out of this mansion or to run away or else.....

Taehyung : Haha.... I'm not going anywhere..... How can I leave you guys huh.....

Saying this Taehyung stood up and started going towards the guard and tried to kiss him but the guard immediately ran from there being terrified by his gay's act. Maids also left and Taehyung fall on the bed while laughing.....

Few minutes later he entered in the bathroom and put his both hands on both sides of basin then look into the mirror and said......

Taehyung : These guards and maids are not that dumb as much I thought....

Suddenly he smirked and laughed evily then said.........

Taehyung : They are more dumber than I thought..... hahahaha


Sorry for "very short" update.... I was lil bit busy with my f*cking assignments so....

*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now