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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

After locking door , he entered into bathroom and pulled out that same phone from a secret place and dialled someone's number....


Taehyung : Hello....

??? : Yes sir

Taehyung : How's plan going ??

??? : Everything is perfect here...

Taehyung : What about those weapons and drugs ??

??? : it's not arrived yet.... They said we've to wait till evening and then we'll be able to receive it.

Taehyung : Good....be careful of police

??? : We are

Taehyung : Also one more thing..... Be alert tonight cuz we can't risk anything... specially about this mafia queen....

??? : Sir....I think we're missing something about her....

Taehyung : I'm thinking the same thing... She's behaving totally opposite of her behaviour.... Something is sus....

??? : We're trying to find out the same thing

Taehyung : Update me soon about her and also be careful with drugs cuz this is the  chance to execute our plan.

??? : Sure Sir

Taehyung : hmm... Careful....

Call ends

He puts phone back and washed his face then ruffle his hairs and left from there...

After locking his room , he left from the mansion.



Taehyung entered into mansion with a maroon suitcase but saw Yn was crying messily... He pouts but after remembering his role...he immediately made a poker face and started going upstairs....he intentionally cleared his throat and....

After noticing him...she ran to him and back hugged him while crying. He was smiling and was pressing his lips in order to control his laugh but seems like it didn't worked and he started laughing.....

Cuz of his sudden laugh , Yn immediately left him and looked at him with her wet eyes. Few minutes later , he stopped laughing and looked at her but the next second...she again hugged him and hit him on his chest with her tiny fist but there him pressed his lips and closed his eyes tightly cuz of pain she was giving him by hitting on his chest....

He immediately pushed her and looked at her while yawning....

Yn : Do you even know how tensed up I was....I thought someone kidnapped you again....

Taehyung : It'll be better if someone will kidnap me again....

Yn : How many times I've to say sorry.... Please forgive me..... it's hurting me....

Taehyung : but wait..... You was heartless then how can you feel ??

( An : dejà vu ?? )

Yn : Umm..... What's that ??

She said while pointing at suitcase....

Taehyung : My clothes for tonight's party...

Yn : Can I see ??

*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now