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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Her mother's head was full of blood and many knife scars were on it. The box fall from yn's hand and the head rolled down on her feet....Yn was unable to utter a word and there her father was standing infront of her while smirking.... suddenly he grabbed her wrist and dragged her on the stairs till the living room and pushed her on the floor but on someone's feet....Yn raise her head only to see a lady Smirking at her....

Appa : She's your mother from now on

Yn didn't said anything and out of sudden fainted on the floor.

Next Morning**

She woke when a hard slap landed on her cheek....she looked at the person and it was her new mom....Yn was still traumatized cuz of last night incident....she ran into her parents room and saw there was his dad was sleeping Naked....she went in the bathroom and saw her mother's dead body was lyed while while floor was filled with blood....she stood there like a statue not able to do anything....not able to think something.... Suddenly her new mom came to her and dragged her out of the room but Yn was still in shock cuz of that incident.

Time skips few days later**

In these days her step mom bullied her in each possible way like slapping each morning , not giving her food for days , beating her , hurting her with knife , frying pan and all. Yn was still in trauma...not only her step mom but also her father torture her everyday he gets chance....she cry every night while remembering her mom and her memories...

Few years later***

Yn was now 18 yrs old and was in college.... everything was same just like before....

One day when she came Back of school then she saw her dad was making out with her step mom...her moans was ringing in whole Mansion...Yn pressed her ears and ran out of mansion....

She came back at evening without knowing that what was waiting for her in welcome.

As soon she entered her dad didn't even wait for a minute and started showering his belt on her...on her teenage daughter.... She was crying badly while joining her hands but he didn't stopped....He stopped for a second and said....

Yn's dad : STR!P

Yn widen her eyes and clutched her clothes with her hands and started crawling backwards while shaking her head continuously....he called his guards and told them to hold her...they had her both hands and her father teared her shirt from middle and......

Flashback ends**

Yn was crying badly while hugging him tightly....His eyes were also teary but he controlled himself and didn't let his tear fall....

He breaks the hug and made her sat on the bed and said.....

Taehyung : Wait.... I'll be back...

Yn nods and Taehyung left from there...

Few minutes later he came back with a glass of water and gave it to her then said....

Taehyung : Close your eyes....

Yn : Why ??

Taehyung : First close it....

Yn closed her eyes and Taehyung smirked and pulled out a syringe and inject in on her neck and the next moment she faints....

Taehyung : Misson 1 accomplished...Get ready for my next move MS. MAFIA QUEEN *Smirked and laughing maniacly*

Continue babygurls....

How was this part ??

Take care of yourself 💜


*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now