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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

??? : How are you my babygirl ??

No answer***

??? : Aishh... Sorry Sorry....I forgot about that......

Saying this that person whistled and that whole dark room light up in bright light.... There was She....Mafia Queen....Yn....

She was tied up with thick ropes on a chair and her mouth was taped....hair were messy.... Body was soaked in sweats and she was wearing black shirt, black jeans and boots...some Blood drops were also on her face....

She opened her eyes widely when a splash of cold water gets throwed on her face.... That person harshly removed tape from her mouth and said......

??? : My baby is fine ??

Yn finally came back to earth and she looked at that person and.....

Yn : YOU ???

??? : Yeah... It's me.... How's this surprise ??

Yn : But you.......

??? : Leave everything and tell me how is this surprise ??

Yn : The fuck you're doing here and why the hell I'm here ?? In this situation ?? Leave me you bastard.....

??? : Aishh.....So many questions at one time.....Let me answer it btw..... First answer I'm here to fuck you...... Second answer You're here to get fucked.... Third answer This s*x position is really good that's why you're in that position.... lastly I won't leave you cuz you're Mine....

Yn : I dare you to free me and then speak those words....I swear You'll meet your daughter in hell.....

??? : ohh....So mafia queen knows about this......

Yn : I know everything.....

??? : Then you must had also known that your Taehyung is dead and chilling out in heaven........

Yn : Just free me for a second and then I'll tell you... Who'll chill out in heaven.....

??? : But before that.... I've a condition and is that Pleasure me

Yn : *scoffed* But free me first then I'll do that......

??? : Are you sure ??

Yn : yupp

??? : But first it's my turn.... I'll pleasure you and then it's your turn....

Yn : That's not fair but it's ok....Come....

??? : As you say My babygirl.....

Yn : Wait wait.....

??? : What Happened ??

Yn : Don't call me babygirl please.....

??? : Why ??

Yn : It's cringey....

??? : Taehyung also used to call you that....

Her heart clenched and her eyes almost built up in tears but she immediately heads up so that tears won't fall and laugh out loud....fake laugh.....

Yn : hahaha....That bastard Taehyung is not alive now so don't mention about him..... C'mon pleasure me.....

??? : You hate him ??

Yn : Do you think I'll love who raped me ?? Never......

??? : That's like a good girl.....

Yn : Btw.....Can you please freed up my legs so that I can feel pleasured....

*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now