prologue: dinner date and an unexpected surprise

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Heaven, a paradise, a safe haven for those that hadn't sinned during there time on earth. The city in heaven was made up of white buildings that were shiny and clean, with golden window sills, and cloudy walk ways.

"Hey! Tits!" A voice called out, the whooshing of wings filling the air as Adam lands in front of you, his golden wings folding back behind him.

"When's the last time he changed out of that robe?" You thought to yourself, Adam's mouth was moving but you weren't paying attention to anything he said.

"He's been in that robe since I got here, does he just have copies of the same ones?" There was a lot of questions you had, but didn't dare ask because Adam could become a big dick and easily angry, And you weren't in the mood to deal with his attitude.

"- and I was wondering if you wanted too... Are you even listening?" Adam said, irritated crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, yeah," you say waving him off mindlessly, anything to calm his ass down. "Good, now, where was I?" He said, "you were asking her if she'd be interested in going to dinner with you sir."

Lute said, standing by his side, her grayish wings folded back. "When did lute get here? Was she by his side the entire time?"

"Right! Thanks danger tits," he says patting lute's shoulder before looking at you. "Now, we're going to-"

"Wait, wait, wait, I didn't even say if I wanted too-" he cuts you off pulling you into his side, "shush your pretty lips, you don't even need to say! Of course you'd go with me, I mean, who else? I'm the first man after all." He says chest puffed out, looking smug as ever.

"Whatever. Just agree with him y/n," you think bitterly to yourself. "Oh, yeah, right." You say giving him a fake smile, you're wings folded back, slightly puffed up.

"Great! Now- danger tits did you make those reservations?" He asks, looking at lute, her face unreadable with that weird holographic like mask on, "yes, sir. The reservation is set and ready." Lute answers Adam, her arms set behind her back in a professional manner.

"Great!" Adam says, smiling as he squeezes your shoulder, "now, I'll pick you up at eight tits!" He says taking off, lute watches for a moment before following after him.

"Tits? Since when did that become his nickname for me?" You sigh, "oh, well, at least he left," you're wings unfurl from behind you, the soft breeze blowing through your soft white feathers, ruffling them up slightly.

You take off upwards, flying up into some fluffy clouds before diving back down, flying past heavens golden gate, catching a glimpse of the red pentagram right above hell, a barrier to stop avian demons from flying into heaven so easily.

You wondered what it was like down there, but not as much because well, even thinking about hell could get you booted from heaven, something so small, leading to such a great fall.

You fly through the white pearly city, passing by other angels that went about their day. Little cherubs flew around, carrying paperwork and such. They were the ones who maintained the paperwork and who got in and who didn't get into heaven.

You landed on the porch of your home pulling out a set of golden winged keys you unlocked the door stepping in. All homes in heaven were the same, nothing imperfect or out of place.

You stretched out, wings cracking slightly before refolding back behind you. "Psst, psst," you call to your cat, a little white winged fluffy tabby, she hopped off the couch padding towards you, too lazy to use her wings as she purred and trilled up at you, brushing against your legs.

"Hey you pretty girl." You cooed, picking her up, she bunted her head against your chin, her tail flicked up. You walked into the living room setting her back down before heading to your room to grab a set of clothes that were nice looking.

You pulled out a pair of comfy jeans and a loose comfortable blouse, before grabbing a towel from the closet close to the bathroom.

"A nice hot shower will put me in a good mood," you think to yourself, turning on the shower to a nice temperature, steam rising out of of the shower fogging up the mirror as you stripped down out of your clothes, taking your underwear off setting it into the laundry hamper next to the shower door. You let your hair fall down over your shoulders before getting in, "ah, ah, hot- hot." You say wincing for a moment before getting used to the heat.

"Ahhh..." You sighed out, nothing like a nice hot shower to get you going. You bent over grabbing a soft wash cloth, your skin being too sensitive for a scratchy rough one, you put a few dabs of lavender smelling body wash, lathering the cloth up before applying it to your sensitive skin, gently rubbing it over your body, lathering yourself up humming softly.

The mirror was fogged up, the room steamy and hot to be in.

You rinsed off, washing off the soapy suds, the soap bubbles washing away into the golden shower drain. You grabbed the shampoo, putting some into your hand, wetting your hair again before lathering up your hair with the dove shampoo humming to yourself eyes closed.

You didn't feel like getting shampoo in the eyes, that stuff stung more than the smallest paper cut.

You ran your fingers through your hair, wincing at a few tugs here and there, before fully lathering up and rinsing it out of your hair that was silky soft now, you turned around grabbing the conditioner, you had no idea what you'd ever do if you didn't have shampoos or conditioners, you'd probably die from not being able to properly clean yourself.

"Heya tits! Woah, nice ass."


Word count: 1'009

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