chapter twenty: bodyguards and loo loo land (pt 1)

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Stolas laid fast asleep in his bed, the blanket barely covering him as the sound of his frightened daughter woke him up. "Mummy! Daddy!" She called out, frightened. Most likely from another nightmare of hers, stolas sleepily blinked for a moment before sitting up and looking at Stella.

"Mmph. Via's calling us Stella." He says giving himself a moment to fully wakeup. Stella grumbles pulling the sheets further over her, annoyed and sleepy, "you get up." She huffs out.

He sighs, moving off the bed he slides his feet into his pink bunny slippers, fixing his robe he ties it shut before leaving the room, entering the hall he made his way to his daughter's room. The walls were lined with family photos, wall flowers, and some decorations.

"Via?" He said softly opening the bedroom up, peeking into the room, spotting a lump under her pink sheets shaking, "via, what troubles you, my owlet." He says softly entering the room.

Octavia pops her head out from under the covers sniffling softly, "Daddy! Daddy!" She says now sobbing again she hops off her bed running to her stolas's arms who hoists her up to comfort her. "I had a dream! A really bad dream!"

Stolas yawns for a moment before wiping her tears away gently, "a nightmare." He softly corrects her, she sniffles softly, "I was looking all over the palace, and... I couldn't find you anywhere! You weren't there!" She says.

He gently rubs her back comfortingly, "there, there, via. It's okay. You're okay." He reassures her as he waves his hand, summoning his Grimoire to him telekinetically as he carries Octavia back to her bed. "When you're scared, and you don't know where I am, you must remember..."

He says setting her onto the bed he flicks his wrist, telekinetically flipping the Grimoire open that floats in front of him. "No matter what happens to me, I will never be far away... From my special little Starfire." He says with a soft smile, gently booping the tip of her beak.

"It always seems more quiet... In the dark." Stolas opens a portal above himself and Octavia using his Grimoire, she looks up in awe and amazement. "It always feels so stark... How silence grows under the moon," he gently grabs Octavia floating upwards into the portal, holding her in his arms as they float into the cosmos and landing onto a barren moon.

"Constellations gone so soon, I used to think that I was bold." He walks across the Moon's dusty surface, leaving his footprints in the gray dust. "I used to think love would be fun... Now all my stories have been told. Expect for one..." He gazes down at Octavia fondly as she looks up at him with her large curious eyes before shifting to look at a purple glow. "As the stars start to align, I hope you take it as a sign that you'll be okay."

A meteor begins it's decent to towards a giant, pink star. "Everything will be okay," the meteor makes contact with the pink star, and begins to sink in upon touching the molten surface. "And if the seven rings collapse,"

Multiple planetary bodies begin gravitating toward the pink star, including the moon that him and Octavia currently reside on, which eventually shatters into pieces as the star's gravity pulls on it. "Although, the day could be my last. You will be okay." Octavia yawns, and starts to fall asleep against stolas's chest.

"When I'm gone, you'll be okay..." Distant planetary bodies fly through the cosmos, pulled in by the pink star's incredible gravitational pull. They disintegrate upon impact and causes the star to explode in a powerful supernova just as the portal closes behind stolas, who's still holding Octavia who's soundly sleeping. "And when Creation goes to die You can find me in the sky Upon the last day,"

Stolas settles Octavia into her bed draping the blanket over her sleeping form. "And you will be okay..." Stolas leaves the room. Taking one last look at Octavia who was soundly sleeping smiling softly.

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