chapter seven: accidental child murder... or is it? (pilot pt 1)

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It was the next day after having dinner with Millie and Moxxie, the office door had a 'do not disturb, in a meating' sign hung on it, blitzø paced back in forth in front of a white board that had doodles all over it, a calendar with a doodle of a tall woman with short woman, an arrow pointing to a name that said; Katie killjoy, and a few others, with in the middle was a doodle of blitzø, right below him were the words: boss goals.

The white board had a scale of sorts, the first half of it going up with another doodle of blitzø before the arrow fell down, clearly blitzø was trying to figure a way to get business up and running again.

"Alright. Now, I know business has been... A bit Slow lately, yes. It's no one's fault, okay? I'm not naming any names here... Moxxie," blitzø says, pointedly casting the imp a look who gave him an incredulous look.

Blitzø continues, not minding the look. "Now, does anyone... Have any bright ideas on how we get business drummin' up again?" Blitzø says, leaning on the brown table, looking at you, Moxxie, Millie and loona briefly.

Millie leans forward excitedly, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "What about a car wash?" She says, blitzø frowns, "this is hell, Millie. No one cares about cars being clean here, okay?"

He shifts back from the table thinking for a second before becoming excited, "wh- ooh! What about a billboard?" He waved his hands with an enthusiastic flair, a smile on his face.

Moxxie sighs, annoyedly he rolled his eyes. "We can't afford a billboard sir." Blitzø slides up next to him, throwing an arm around his shoulder, "helpful, Moxxie. Really glad you're in the room right now-" he shoved Moxxie away out of his seat, grabbing a remote he moved to the front of the table, where a TV, a box television to be precise was on, "have you guys forgotten the service we provide?"

He clicks the remote turning the box television on, just as an add pops up, it goes through the motions of advertising the I.M.P. murder business, with a fun little jingle. You toss some popcorn into your mouth, watching the advertisement with loona, Millie and blitzø, Moxxie recovering from the shove he had received.

He got back into his seat annoyed and exasperatedly, blitzø sighed as the ad finished. "Ahh, those were the good times."

Moxxie huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, "I don't need any reminding, sir. Considering you blew most of our salaries on an obnoxious TV ad last week. One that you then additionally paid to have run for a full three hours on a channel... nobody watches." Moxxie finished glaring at him.

Moxxie was still peeved on that, his salary had just went down the shitter, for a shitty ad that his incompetent boss paid for. He had to work a few side jobs just to pay for the rent now, that still needed to be paid off because of that.

Blitzø rolled his eyes standing up tossing the remote off somewhere. "Uh, hey. Excuse me? What's "obnoxious" about a super-fun jingle, alright? It's a fun distraction for when an advertisement is spittin' bullshit." He said walking to where you were leaning against you.

"People love musicals sir," Millie said nodding her head to blitzø agreeing with him. Blitzø smiles, "exactly, millie! And we're basically doin' a musical-" he does jazz hands with a smile.

He looks at Moxxie, "are you gonna crush my musical theatre dreams like my dad did?" He said, Moxxie sighed. "sir-"

"'cause, right now? All I see is my dad's asshole talking to me! Crushing my dreams of being who I truly am inside." He said, ignoring Moxxie.

You looked between the two, "wow, he's vary... Manipulative... If that's what you can call it." You think to yourself, sipping the coffee you got. "God, this coffee tastes awful," you think, sipping it still because why not? You paid for it, you weren't letting it go to waste.

Millie grinned, her tail flicking around as she looked at her husband flirtatiously, "are you tryin' crush his dreams, Moxxie?" She said, moxxie froze for a moment, confused and maybe flustered? You couldn't tell because his skin- like all imps skin were, was entirely red.

"I- what?" He said looking over at her, she smiles, speaking with a flirtatious tone voice of, "I thought I knew you," she said, her tail flicking up as she stuck her tongue out at him playfully, resulting in him rolling his eyes affectionately at her in response.

"I can't believe you Moxxie!" Blitzø said dramatically, grabbing a picture frame that had 'employee of month' on it, with a terrible picture of moxxie on it. "After I made you employee of the month!"

You looked between the two sipping your coffee, loona sat beside you, her feet kicked up, on her phone busy scrolling through videos of Moxxie getting hurt and whatnot. These demons, were an interesting group, that's for sure.

Word count: 854

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