mini chapter one: shitty life

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Life for husk was shitty, can't compare really to his life when he had been alive, but still quite shitty, considered unattractive, and "broken" as some may have put it.

Well, he'd agree too, broken, a lost cause, a loser. Everybody was a loser in hell, that was pretty much clear because, we'll. You're in hell, doesn't get much more simpler than that, now can it?

No, it can't. Husk pitied charlie, she was a good princess, heart in the right place, but was always off in lala land. "And- ooh! We can set up a trust system!"

Trust system. Right, he'd rather stick behind the bar counter and drink himself into a coma or a next death, but he was dragged in by charlie, being forced between angel dust, and the new worker alastor found by "chance", he wouldn't put it past the overlord to stalk.

Husk watched boredly as everybody did the trust fall, including the new worker, or angel, fallen or not. Regardless he didn't care too really notice much. Until he was paired with said worker.

"... Nope." He said trying too leave but charlie only heard a "yes", being forcefully pushed too the front, having too step up the little stool, close his eyes and trust a random stranger. How pleasant.

He just kinda let himself fall, he'd probably hit the floor if anything, but instead he landed right into soft arms, head leaned back against a soft chest, "did I do okay?"

The angel asked, looking down at him in concern, she wore a blank lace see through dress, with black heels that had red lining on the inside and a choker, though her makeup style was a much brighter pink.

"Uh..." Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He couldn't form a single word aside from a grunt, he was never tongue tied before, never had a reason too be. His old crusty heart pitter pattering too life so suddenly, like a breath of fresh air whooshing through his lungs and out. "Yeah, yeah." God why'd he sound like that? His entire vocabulary doused in sarcasm and cynicism, he could practically feel any potential of a conversation draining.

"Oh, well. That's good!" She responded with a smile, her white floppy ears perked up as much as they could go before flopping back down. Alastor had said she already worked for some company, that she wouldn't be here most of the time because of her tedious work. But what kind of work can an angel like her possibly do besides gardening or baking?

He pushed himself up, she was small, like. Tiny, he dwarfed her in size really, well. Not like alastor did, but close enough too cast a slight shadow over her.

He felt... Sweaty now, like. Unbearably hot, his fur suddenly feeling so... So... Warm, sweaty and smothering. That's what he had been looking for, he had no idea what he was really feeling, his ability too love should be dead, gone. Poof, none existent. But his poor old heart was pitter pattering away in a rhythmic beat, maybe a nap would help, yeah. A nap.

He brushed past the angel leaving her confused more than anything. He trudged off into his room, not bothering too flick the lights on, the room was dark, cold, just how he liked it. A pile of clothes laid in the corner of the room, along with his shelf being littered with booze bottles, he didn't bother stepping over the clothes or looking too see where they were, he already knew where too and where too not step.

He gave a big stretch, his wings cracking slightly as they flexed open, before closing up again as he slowly settled into the cool, cold bed sheets, a soothing balm too his sweaty body. A little voice, the less pessimistic one he heard all the time spoke finally, in the dark cold room,

"this won't be so bad after all," and for once, he could agree, he didn't know what he was agreeing with, but he agreed.

Word count: 703

Decided to start doing Mini chapters. Anyways question, should I focus on blitzø in the next chapter, or more on Octavia?

1. Blitzø

2. Octavia

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