chapter nine: accidental child murder... or is it? (pilot pt 3)

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You sit there silently. Listening as moxxie listed off multiple occasions that blitzø had spied or butt in on any special occasion or quiet time he and his wife had, It made sense why he seemed so shitty when having blitzø over for dinner.

"Just... Stop... Doing that!" Moxxie grits out in angry, glaring at blitzø from his seat. Blitzø smirks, not getting the fact moxxie was blatantly telling him to basically fuck off. "I don't see what the issue is! There somethin' you don't want me seein'?" He says smirking, moxxie grits his teeth, his eye twitching from stress and angry. "No!"

Loona, the hound sitting next to you snickers as blitzø speaks, not looking up from her phone. "You a baby-weiner-haver?" He says, smirking still.

Moxxie's tail twitches he places his hands on the table annoyed and feeling somewhat attacked, "sir, what you say and how you act is totally-" he stands up from his chair snapping out aggressively, "INAPPROPRIATE!" Millie lays her hand down on his shoulder comfortingly, "calm down, Mox! You're gonna have another panic attack!" She says in concern, gently pulling moxxie back into his seat. "I AM CALM!" He says, clearly not, he glares at blitzø whimpering in angry as Millie gently soothes him, holding his head to her chest she lightly pets his head. "Shh-shh-shh, there, there."

Blitzø rolls his eyes, arms crossing over his chest, "look, I don't judge the boring couple stuff-" he motions with his hands lewd gesture, "you do outside of work. So, don't... Judge me." He says turning away from moxxie.

Moxxie's glare hardens, "oh, I do judge you sir, quite a lot actually." He says, Millie gasps, speaking in a scolding tone, "Mox! He's our boss!"

Blitzø waves off what moxxie said, smiling smugly, standing right next to your seat. "No-no-no, it's fine mills, your husband is just... How do I say this without being offensive?" He thinks for a moment, the smug smile returning. "...Retarded,"

Moxxie's eyes narrow, he leans on the table, "does immaturely insulting me make you feel better about your sad, single life?" You wince inwardly, "those are some fighting words right there," you think, sipping the bad coffee, you didn't know which tasted worse, the coffee, or the sour situation.

Blitzø smirks, leaning into him, "it actually does." He says, leaning back.

Loona's tail twitches for a moment, she looks up from her phone, a slight scowl on her face after hearing moxxie's insult towards her father. "The only reason you have a wife is because you're easy to manage." Loona points out, leaning on the table looking at moxxie.

Millie glares at her, she slams her hands on the table in anger, "no he's not you-" she flips loona off, "BITCH!" You're looking between the four,  this couldn't be more awkward, first week here and your already watching an office fight go down, with a possible dead kid in the corner of the room.

Loona growls at Millie, blitzø friend moving towards his daughter's side, which was right next to you, so he was essentially standing between the chairs where you and loona sat. "Do not talk to my receptionist that way! She's sensitive," he says, loona snaps her jaws at Millie, a growl ripping from her throat. "Yes, I am!"

"You guys are all fucking assholes," a young voice spoke up from the corner. "Oh, hey. He's alive," you say in surprise, the kid makes a face at you before looking at the four demons. Blitzø looks at the kid unimpressed, "oh, shut up, kid! You're lucky to witness this!"

"Three coworkers and a boss all fighting? That's worth witnessing?" You muttered, brows furrowed a bit. Blitzø ignores your comment about that, moxxie sighs pinching... Whatever was above his mouth, you didn't see any nose, so you were just gonna assume there was like holes you weren't seeing. "Ugh, this company is such a mess," he sighs out.

Blitzø waves off the comment, acting like the boy didn't exist, "alright, let's get back to talking about my outfit." You and loona frown, loona is the first to speak what you were thinking. "Nobody was talking about that," she says.

Blitzø smiles, "which is why I'm tryin' to get that ball rolling. So, how does it look? It's good, right?" He says fixing his cufflinks before looking at his outfit before looking up at everybody before he looks at you, you nod, "yeah looks fine to me." You say with a shrug.

The kid bunts in, pointing at blitzø, "it's been a literally hell-" he detached the heart monitors from his stomach, "having to pretend to be paralysed-"

"You were pretending to be paralysed? You looked dead, I was debating on whether or not to just... Bury you." You say, the kid glared at you before returning his attention to blitzø, "so you fuck shits wouldn't kill me, but now? I want that. I want death," he says.

He once again points at blitzø, going all around the table insulting loona, blitzø, Millie and moxxie before stopping at you. "What?" You say looking at the kid. "Nothing, I don't take to ditzy whores is all, surprised you're working an actual job and not the street corner." The kid says smirking smugly. You frown, everybody just glaring at the kid.

"Wow, your an asshole," you say, blitzø and everybody agrees nodding. Loona's phone rings with an notification, her ears perk up, "oh, fuck! Guys, I just got a text from our client! Guess he was the right target after all." She says smirking.

Blitzø frowns, confused, "who?" "The dipshit in the corner," you say before loona can point to the kid, you could see why someone wanted the kid dead.

"Me?" The kid says in surprise looking around, you and loona are smiling smugly, "yep." She says, blitzø frowns for a moment, "they wanted us to kill an actual child?"

Loona nods looking at the text, "that's what they're sayin'" she says nodding. Blitzø hums softly a hand reaching into the inside of his coat. "Well, Christ on a stick I guess there is a god," he says whipping out a flintlock pistol shooting the kid without a second one. You bitterly laugh, "there's definitely one, but he's absent." You say, you knew all too well how absent god actually was, leaving sera in charge, it was the actual first mistake a 'perfect' being such as he, made.

"Ow!" The kid says before falling face down onto the hospital bed, blood soaking the white sheets.

Word count: 1'102

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