chapter thirty: an ultra luminous star

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You continued walking and walking, there were so many places in the pride ring, why the hell wasn't there some sort of map of each ring? You knew hell was big, but you didn't think it was this massive.

"Good evening dear!" A voice said from behind you, "it appears to me that you seem lost." He continues walking around you to the front, towering over you in his blue suit, his blue and red eye swirling, the other eye completely normal. It was that tv demon, the one announcing a new angelic security, that would most definitely not work, not unless it was made out of melted angelic weapons.

"Uh- yes! Actually..." You say, slowly losing your cheerfulness, what made him different from the rest of the demons who had leered and catcalled you? "Well, dear, since it's rather late-"

It's late? You looked up, it looked like it always did, a bright red sky, with the moon up above always in sight. "And it's recommended to not walk around at night, especially in the pride ring, you'll just have to come back to my penthouse for the night."

"Uh- no! No need-" he wrapped an arm around your mid section pulling you into his side, taking long strides towards a building that had a neon pink sign up on it that read "porn studio".

Porn? What is that? You've never heard of anything like that in heaven, "now dear, what may you're name be?" Vox asks, he's not normally this polite, not unless he's trying to sell something to the public or get his dick wet, which he was trying to do the second but he was also genuinely curious as to what you were.

"It's... Y/n." You say reluctantly, having to keep up with the towering demon, who gently led you into the building. The smell of musk and body oder hit your nose like a cement wall, strong, Nasty, and prominent.

"Ignore the smells. You'll get used to it- thanks." He said snagging a cup of Barbour, sipping it somehow. The waitress approached you, her ears twitching as she handed you a drink, a delicate looking wine glass.

"So they do have top notch quality red wine," you think sipping it. Wine was the only alcoholic beverage you'd drink, natural of course. You weren't a an of artificial tastes, the waitress leaves, disappearing back into the crowd of horny demons.

"Well hello, querida~" a masculine voice purred out, slender long black gloves fingers trailing from your shoulders. "Val, lay off her." Vox said unimpressed, pulling you behind him, "she is only here for the night, I don't want you scaring her off, okay?" He said with a hint of mockery and condensation.

Valentino scoffed, brushing back his one good antenna, "fine, but I don't make any promises cariño~" he said turning away from Vox before returning to his spot on his love seat.

"Sorry, that's just Valentino. Don't mind him," Vox said dismissively, leading you towards the stairs that lead up to the penthouse. "Oi! Fuckin' straighten up! I ain't payin' you shit for no reason!"

A loud British and Australian voice shouted from one of the rooms, "you know what? Get the fuck outta my sight!" A model is kicked out the room, a fuming woman with gray pale skin, and two large pony tails up, her hair pink and white. She wore some light pink stripped bell bottoms and a tank top that was black and pink on the sleeves.

"Fuckin' hell! What's it take to find an actual decent ass model?" She said snatching a cup of coffee from her assistant, her eyes widening upon seeing the guest Vox had. "Move it!" She said roughly shoving Vox aside before grabbing your face roughly turning it side to side. "Perfect! You'll do!" She said, "Vox I'm taking you're... Whatever and using them as a model." She said leaving no room for protest.

"Fuck." Vox groaned as velvette slammed the door shut, she pushed you towards the camera, you were perfection, the perfect candidate for her clothes, you looked fine as hell in the black lace dress, black lace heels with red interior and the black flower choker on. You'd do just perfect.

"Here, put 'em on!" She said chucking some flashy dresses and clothes at you, "oi! Get off your asses and set the cameras and lights up!" She snapped at the camera crew who scrambled around frantically turning stuff on and getting everything ready.

You put on the clothes, rather confused on how this was fashion but you weren't one to want to fight with a angry or perpetually angry woman.

The tank top had nice puffy arms, was a deep purple color that matched the large bell bottoms and the pointy heeled boots you wore which were slightly clunky. Your hair done up, curled up and down in twin buns with strands in the front left untouched.

You were situated in multiple positions, staying perfectly still for each picture, barely breathing that's how still you were.

"Perfect! Absolutely perfect!" Velvette said looking through each picture, it was perfection. "You're hired, I want you back here next week." She said leaving before you could protest.

"... Where are my other clothes?" You say looking around, one of her assistants approached you, wearing glasses and a blouse with a long skirt. "Miss velvette wants you to wear the outfit your currently in, for advertisement." She said fixing the jewelry you had on before leaving.

Goodness... All you want to do is get back to imp city now, Octavia and stolas were definitely not at that cafe anymore that's for sure.

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