chapter twenty one: bodyguards and loo loo land (pt 2)

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Sitting in the back of the van was... Uncomfortable to say the least, squashed between two, tall, avian Royals of sorts. A teen who looked grumpy, and... Her father, stolas. The one who apparently heard so much about you, and just wouldn't stop talking.

The van came to a stop in a parking lot, moxxie exiting the cramped space to open the door, letting stolas out who had to duck in order to get out, along with his daughter, you and Millie.

"Ah! It's been years since I've brought you here via!" He said smiling at his daughter who grumbled. He smiled oblivious to it he turned to you, "and it's so nice to finally see you! My, you're even prettier up close!" He says, bending down slightly to gently shake your hand, "I'm prince stolas! But please feel free to just call me stolas! And this-" he gently grabs his daughter smiling proudly. "Is my little Starfire, Octavia." He says stepping back.

"... Hi..." She says, not at all ecstatic to be at loo loo land, you can't say your all that ecstatic either though. This place had an odd ring to it, Lucifer. You're old, old friend had wanted to have a place exactly like this in heaven, though his ideas were considered not right, and his dreams unreachable. The ancient ones never told you what happened to him. "Nice to meet you too." You say giving her a small wave.

She goes back to doing what she was doing, stolas turns to you with a smile whispering quietly, "I can't wait for the full moon dear, blitzø has told me to be gentle with you because your not uh- vary experienced," he said softly, Octavia groans, Cleary hearing him.

"Ugh.." she said, she now knew who the second person was, stolas grabbed a red apple themed hat, heading towards the gate where Octavia follows him pulling her beanie down over her face.

"Now, remember: this is work and work only. Me and my crew are not here to satisfy your perverted bird needs, alright? Don't scare y/n either, in fact how about I just-" blitzø picked you up with ease moving you in front of him so stolas wasn't eyeing you like a hungry predator. "There."

Octavia groans more looking around before looking up at her father, "Hey... Dad... Do we have to--?" Blitzø cuts her off gently, "Okay, yeah. Hold on right there, sweetie." He says turning to stolas, "If you try fuckin' my and y/n's little ass in that park, I swear to--"

Stolas cuts him off, giggling lightly pinching his cheek. "You are so cute when you are serious! Besides, I'm only looking at them, it's not like I'm gonna pounce on the poor least, not yet~" He says tossing a wink your way.

Octavia makes a face, staring at you, her father and blitzø, "I'm literally gonna be sick." She said grossed out. Moxxie panics grabbing his fanny pack, "Oh, crumbs! I knew today would be a lot! What do you need?" He asks worriedly, he knew the ibuprofen would come in handy.

He fishes through his fanny pack grabbing the several pill bottles tossing them aside along with some needles as he lists off the various medical supplies he had. "Anti-acids? Ibuprofen?" He says digging deeper into his fanny pack pulling out the needles that were filled with a deeper green liquid not like the others. "Morphine?" He asks looking up at Octavia who makes a face rolling her eyes at him.

"That was figurative, old man." She muttered walking off up ahead with her father, just further up ahead so she didn't have to hear her father talk. Moxxie laughs nervously, feeling stupid now. "Oh, right."

He muttered tossing the needles into a nearby, unattended baby carriage. "But she said it was literal." He said beneath his breath.

"Wooooow! I haven't been to this place since I was a tot!" Millie said looking around smiling brightly as a letter falls off of the large sign up above, crushing an unsuspecting imp beneath it. "It hasn't changed a bit. Ohhh! LOOK! It's Big Woobly!" She points to the large animatronic malformed dinosaur, it releases a loud demonic screech, moxxie frowns looking at big woobly. "That is... Deeply upsetting."

He says looking around as Millie smiles looking at her husband, "Oh, come on! It's fun! You've never been here?" She says placing a hand on her husband's shoulder.

"No. Theme parks always disturbed me, especially the mascots." He says, shuddering with fear and disgust. An apple mascot, loo loo comes up behind moxxie, the mascot a giant red apple with some green on it, it's eye popped out. "Well, hey there!"

"AAHHH!!" moxxie jumps back into the arms of Millie looking over his shoulder at the mascot that appeared behind him so suddenly.

The mascot hops from feet to feet, bouncing back and forth, "I'm Loo Loo! Welcome to Loo Loo Land! If y'all get hurt here, just try and sue us!" He says. Stolas gasps turning Octavia to look at the mascot, "Look! Via! It's Loo Loo!" He said excitedly.

Octavia looks around before looking at the shitty mascot costume. "I have a question." She starts, stolas frowning slightly, already feeling the question coming and knowing it wasn't gonna be a polite one. "Ask away girlie!" The mascot says happily.

"Is it true this park is just a really shameless spin-off of Lucifer's far more popular Lu Lu World?" She asks, stolas inwardly cringed, there it was. There it is, he knew it.

The mascot falls silent for just a moment before finally responding with an unconvincing answer. "... No." Octavia looks around, "This place reeks of insecure corporate shame." She says, stolas immediately butts in, grabbing his daughter's shoulders gently he turned her away and led her off, from the mascot. "Why don't we go check out the rides?" He says, roping you in along with him and Octavia.

Word count: 1'005

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