chapter fifty six: queen Bee's party (pt 3)

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"awooh, awooh! Vortex! The party is buzzin'!" Beelzebub dust's herself off, landing on the floor, she was taller than loona and you combined.

"Fuck!" She dust's her crop top off, "I feel like I went a little too hard with the confetti this time though." She said looking down, "I have like, a rainbow in my vagina."

Loona's ears flicked back at that, Beelzebub looks up, perking up upon seeing you and loona. "Oh, hey! So your the sweet pup I've been told about." She said smiling before looking over at you. "And you must be her friend, right?"

"Y- yeah." You said. She was tall, everybody was taller than you, "you're both cuties."

"What?" Loona said incredulously, ears pinned back, her tail bristling up, defensively.

"Yeah, your both fuckin' cuties, where have you both been hiding?" She laughed softly as loona glared at her. "Is there something funny?" She says flatly.

Beelzebub waves her off nonchalantly, "nah, I'm just really high off all this tasty energy right now." She says, leaning back with a smile before looking at you directly, leaning against tex. "Anyways, Tex here says you never been to a party before, I hope this itty-bitty-get-together can serve as a fun first time."

"It's actually been better then fun, I never knew there could be so many different demons here, I mean, I knew of sinners and all, their parties usual consist of those cage dancers. But this was actually a really really great first time." You say giving her a smile, bee smiled wider, "I'm glad to hear! I could've made it better but belphegor changed the lock to her safe where she keeps all the good drugs."

"Drugs? What's that? Some sort of drink?" You think to yourself as bee continues, popping open a bottle. "So, naturally I tried to pick the lock, but she caught me. Calls me a jackass for trying- but, hey, I'm totally proud to be a jackass." She downs the bottle.

Vortex chuckles pulling her into a side hug, "heh. Yeah, anyway, bee. This is loona and y/n, loona, y/n, this is my girlfriend."

Loona's eyes widen, that's why she felt so off. "Oh, this is... She's hot."

Bee laughs out loudly, all in good nature, "ha! Holy shit! Okay. Tex you didn't tell me they were hilarious! That's so funny."

Loona recoils, stammering over her words desperately, "no-... I... I didn't mean it like that-"

"I love that that's the first thing you say to me. You don't give a shit how freaky you come off. And that's. Fucking. Beautiful."

She moves in between you and loona, pulling you both into her side, "You both, are my new favorite people."

Loona games a stiff smile, her ears still pinned back, "are we, though?"

"Yeah bitch!" Beelzebub says enthusiastically smiling. "No, really. Reminds me of the time I saw satan-"

"Wait what?" You say becoming nervous, was Satan here? God you didn't have time to deal with him. As if it wasn't bad enough that sera had found letters from him being sent to you. "Satan. Y'know? Oooh, your that girl he was talking about!"

"I... Well... It's complicated okay?"

"No, totally fine, I can see why though, he's hot. I even said that. But then I felt weird because he's like a brother to me." Bee said as vortex stopped for a moment with a look of concern.

"But then again. I could totally hit that." Bee said trailing off slightly as loona gave you a look. God you reminded her a lot of her adoptive father, blitzø. Always getting involved with people he shouldn't be involved with.

You look around awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with loona, it was complicated, that simple. Just like how you met Asmodeus, you met Satan. All the seven sins were there, you had yet to meet Beelzebub until now, same went for belphegor, leviathan, mammon.

Unlike Asmodeus though who understood how bad it could look like for an angel to be conversing with a demon, Satan had trailed you that day, asking you to show him the gym, or the restaurants. You had thought that would be it, after he left, that was it. How wrong you were though, you had stupidly gave him your phone number, and were pretty sure you still had all of his text messages and letters sent to you, you were sure that's why you were kicked from heaven. But no, because you were apparently too curious, you were only curious because of how civil some of the seven sins were, so kind, and so welcoming, that being Satan, and Asmodeus.

They were nothing like the "awful," or "horribly deformed heartless monsters," they were described to be.

"Anyways, you girls have fun, go get some drinks, go eat some sweets, have fun!" Beelzebub said urshing you towards the drink table, cups filled with different colored honey were on the table. A few drinks wouldn't hurt, how bad could it be?

Word count: 960

I want too thank you all, so much, 123k views and about 3.k something votes on my book, that is now determined to be discontinued. I'm sorry I can't continue it, my health, my disorders, and my inability to properly sleep have fucked me over countless times, it means so much that you all stuck around. Even for my less sub-par books, that will probably be rewritten or just not done. Thank you to all the 170 followers, when I started writing, it was something to just pass the time, but I enjoy making books, especially for people to enjoy, I'm thinking about making a rick and Morty x reader, I might if everybody wants it if course.

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