chapter thirty two: returning home

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"thanks!" You say waving goodbye to the disappearing limo, Vox had dropped you off like he said, you put his business card into your pocket as you head into imp city, you memorized the way too the apartment so it was easy getting back home.

You sighed in relief stepping into the apartment, "n/n!" Blitzø launched himself at you, dropping the plushie he had of you clinging to you. "Where were you?!" He demanded, "I was so worried! You didn't call or text me where you were! And stolas said that you just waltzed off with some random guy!" He cried out eyes wide.

"Yeah, where were you? I got stuck dealing with his separation anxiety." Loona grumbled out, taking a sip out of her coffee. "I was just... Out exploring the upper part of the pride ring. Turns out, I don't really like it all that much." You say patting his back, you didn't like it, but you'd be returning to the hotel, because your pet was there in the care of angel dust, and because you were mildly curious on what the hotel planned to achieve.

"Well, you missed out on one crazy day, we lost our parking space, caused havoc up in the living world fought a monster and  we beaten a bunch of succu-bitches in a bet." He said smugly, "... Cool," you say patting his back some more, looking around. "Oh, Octavia dropped off something for you too." Blitzø said gesturing to a couple of clothes that were similar in style to hers but not entirely.

"Seems she's taken a real liking to you, can't say I blame her." Blitzø said heading back to the couch picking up his plushie hugging it to his chest as he resumes watching his horse shows.

You grabbed the clothes that were on the table with a smile, it was an upgrade to what you were wearing and had been wearing. You brought the clothes into the room setting them down on a dresser, settling yourself down in the bed.

"... Whatcha you thinking about- ooh!" Blitzø said dropping from the ceiling onto your chest grabbing your face immediately his hands immediately going for your flapping ears, flustered and embarrassed. "How the fuck did I not ever spot these? And this!" He said grabbing your tail, checking it out. "Oh, by the way we have another target to deal with, some old rich guy." He says releasing your ears and tail, laying down on you spread out on you, encasing you entirely.

"... I gotta go to the bathroom." You say, blitzø curls up around you further, "what do you mean, I'm right here-?!" You slapped him up ears flapping. "Eww! Heaven's no!" You say cheeks puffed out, "have some self respect please!" You say as blitzø laughs at your reaction, "oh my god I'm kidding! Like hell I ain't eating or drinking shit. But my god, you have the funniest reactions ever." You huffed, "jerk." You say getting up to use the bathroom.

"By the way, stolas said he wanted you to go over to his place after the hit." Blitzø says getting comfortable in the bed. "For what?" You say poking your head out the door toothbrush hanging out of your mouth, as you spit the water into the sink. "I dunno, said something about wanting to talk too you." Blitzø replied back with a shrug yawning.

You sigh closing the door and returning to brushing your teeth and hair out, along with cleaning your ears, you wanted to be clean, not dirty. "Oooh cute," blitzø says, peeking into the bathroom spotting your cotton candy pink undergarments. "Blitz!" You say ears flapping.

"What? Oh, relax it's not like I haven't seen a woman's beef curtains before," you make a face at what blitzø said, "beef curtains? Ew... Why? Why say that." You say, "y'know what? Nevermind. Just let me change in peace." You say embarrassed, flustered and mildly disgusted. Blitzø snickers before finally letting you change in peace.


"Bet those beef curtains are like ear muffs-"


Word count: 716
Some facts about y/n: she doesn't say the God's name in vain, regardless of how mind. She's a vegetarian, she likes reading and singing, and she does have a crush on someone.

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