chapter nineteen: discussions, discussions, and the birds and bees

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Smut: handjob, blowjob.


"see ya Mille, moxxie. Thanks again for patching me up." You say, waving them goodbye as they drive back home. You felt safer when they drove, blitzø was too... Eh, what's the word? Chaotic. Especially when his favorite song was on, mustang dong or something like that.

"Dinner's on the counter by the way." Loona said holding a plate of mac and cheese, heading to her room with headphones on. "Well, thanks for telling me."

"Yep, sure." She said dismissively, the door slamming shut and locking.

Well, isn't she peachy?

You head into the living room, blitzø on the couch munching on popcorn, now it's time to ask him just what the heck he dragged you into. You plop down on the couch, turning the volume on the tv down. "Blitzø. We need to have a talk." You say, he stops mid chew, swallowing the popcorn in one go he turns to you.

"Yeah?" He says, unbothered, "when stolas had called, he said something about me being apart of the whole agreement. What's that about?" You ask, leaning back against the couch.

"Uh- well, look. He seen my phone screen that's your picture, he got curious, I told him he could meet you on the full moon, and then he asked if you're part of the agreement, I figured why not so I said yeah." Blitzø said dismissively munching on more popcorn.

"Well, the agreement can't be bad right? It's just talking or keeping him company." You think to yourself. "Well, what do these meetups usually consist of?"

"Lots of fucking. Entirely fucking." Blitzø says turning back to the tv, you stammer. Fucking? What's that? "Uh-... What's that?" You say, becoming embarrassed at the look blitzø gave you. "... Like, sex... Y'know?" He says slowly, "the birds and the bees basically?" He adds, staring at your blank expression.

"... You do know what that is right?" He says, "... Um... Uh-... Yeah!" You lie laughing nervously, he raises a brow, "mhm, right. Sure, okay than." He stood up pulling his pants down along with his boxers. You gasp stammering you look away quickly. It was indecent to look at someone nude. "What's this than?" He says pointing to the red, long veiny thing between his legs, a strange sack hanging below it. "Wait! H- how did this turn from asking you why you dragged me into your agreement to... To this!" You say gesturing to the fleshy extension between his legs. "So you don't know what sex is?" He says smugly, his tail curled up.

"Okay! I don't know what it is!" You say turning redder, "put your pants back on!" You beg blushing not looking at the fleshy extension.

"Hmm, I dunno if I will, I mean, you lied..." He said swaying his hips, swinging it around, the sound of it flopping around being a little too loud. "What about your daughter?!" You say in a panicky tone, he waves you off dismissively. "She's in her room listening to her loud ass music doing whatever." He said grabbing your wrist gently, "I'll just teach you what this is." He says.

Pressing your palm against the pulsing flesh extension, it was warm, and veiny... And kinda hairy... Gross... "This, my naive angel, is a penis, or shaft, member, cock, whichever you prefer saying." He said, tightening your hold on his penis that hardened, you freaked out pulling your hand away, "why is it moving?!" You say panicked as it rose on it's own, the slit in the top of it leaking white thick liquid. "Geez, relax, I'm just hard." He said laughing softly.

Bringing your hand back he guided you into stroking him, he guided your slender fingers to the top of his penis, "this, is the head of my penis, call it head, helmet. Whatever." He said with a shrug tensing up his tail curled around your wrist as he grabbed your other hand, bringing it to his scrotum, his balls kinda heavy. "This, is my scrotum or short term ballsack."

He says, getting you to hold his equally hairy balls, "why's it hairy?" You say nose scrunched up. It was so sweaty. "Well I don't feel like having to ice my balls because I got waxed." He said bluntly, enjoying the handjob.

You flinched back in surprise when his... Penis shot out the white thick liquid you duck immediately, the white substance grazing your cheek, splattering against the couch.

You pulled your hand away nose screwed up, shaking your hand clean, you didn't like sticky things, and the white substance was sticky.

He was still hard as he put it earlier, "hmm, you're... Vary inexperienced." He said, grabbing your head he pressed his leaking tip to your lips, your lips sealed shut at the salty taste. "C'mon now, it's not that bad. I've had worse," he said, coaxing you into opening your mouth, sliding his shaft into your warm wet mouth, the tip hitting the back of your throat.

"Hah... Ah..." He sighed out, pulling your head further down vary gently, he didn't want to hurt you after all. Not moving, letting you get used to the taste, texture and feel of his shaft in your mouth.

You're nose was pressed right against his pelvic, his hair tickling your nose, his balls pressed against your chin, the smell of sweat filling your nose.

"There... See? Not bad," he said, straining, really holding himself back from moving as you relaxed. His fingers rooted themselves into your hair, gently pulling out of your mouth, saliva coated his red shaft in a shiny sheen.

"Can I teach you how to give a blowjob?" He asks, he wanted consent, he wasn't some uncultured brute, "uh- okay..." You say, you trusted blitzø, he was the one who found you, he gave you a job, he saved you from getting an arrow to the skull, he gave you a home willingly, clothes. You trusted him more than you ever trusted Sera's rule over heaven.

He guided your head back down on his hard shaft, in a gentle bobbing motion, letting you set the pace, "there, like that." He said keeping a gentle hand on your head, guiding you at some points, but letting you take the lead otherwise.

You're throat tightening around him, "use your tongue n/n," he breathed out gently, encouraging you and praising you. You slowly did as he asked, you're tongue swirling around his shaft head, the salty taste of that white substance coating the tip of your tongue. He slowly began thrusting, still being gentle.

His sweaty hefty balls tightening up, slapping gently against your chin as you gagged slightly every time his shaft slipped in deeper but not for long before sliding out, you breathed in, swallowing around him causing his tail to shudder immediately thudding against the floor, no longer wrapped around your wrist. "Ah... Ugg... Ha..." He breathed out, controling himself from immediately busting into your throat. He pulled out, thick strands of hot saliva coating his tip, "there, see? All good, this is essentially what's gonna happen with stolas every full moon, only more scary and animalistic." He said. Wiping his shaft clean, sliding his pants and boxers back on, wiping the drool off your bottom lip giving you a smile.

"... More... Scary?" You say, now a bit frightened, he chuckled, "don't worry, stolas ain't gonna do anything you don't like, he'll just ease you into it." He said reassuringly plopping back down on the couch pulling you back onto it with him, turning the tv back up. His em thrown over your shoulder, he handed you a bottle of water, to wet your throat and soothe it with the coldness of the water.

You looked over at the Calendar, the full moon was on the fifth, so it wasn't gonna happen for awhile thankfully. You looked back to the tv calming yourself, enjoying the show.

Word count: 1'340

Couldn't help myself, I'm still kinda rusty but I'm getting back into making longer smut chapters.

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