chapter sixty one: seeing stars (pt 4)

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Octavia groaned, slumping back into the seat. This wasn't a tour of the stars, this was just some crappy look-see into some crappy mansions and celebrities homes, she pulled the beanie she wore over her head sighing miserably she took the chance too immediately depart off the bus.

"Might as well take some pictures," she muttered heading towards a cafe much similar to the one in hell, her phone in hand she entered, the smell of lavender and tea leaves. She ordered the usual, lavender tea, she usually just bought coffee, but she needed something relaxing and something too distract herself from her miserable day.

As she took a sip she snapped a selfie, before posting it too her sinstagram page and continuing on her way down the sidewalk.


You were busy holding loona's phone, why? She had decided to buy you both coffee, might as well stay hydrated while searching for via. You were tasked with the job of keeping an eye on via's sinstagram, encase she uploaded any pictures, because from what you could see, she enjoyed photography, lots of pictures of the night sky that were really good, vary well framed and taken.

And not long, a ding goes off, notifying you of a new upload on her sinstagram. It was a selfie of her at the cafe behind you and loona. "Um... Loona?"

"Yeah?" She asked sipping from her straw, casting a glance at her phone eyes widening as she looks back momentarily before looking at the logo on her cup, then back too the photo. You both just missed her, literally just missed her. Loona groans crushing the cup before tossing it out and quickly heading back down the sidewalk, now on a wild goose chase.


"Millie! Moxxie! God damnit I'm taking this off your pay!" Blitzø yelled out, his fake ears that he put on as his disguise fall off as some guards pick him up, mistaking him for a celebratory, a crowd of fans surrounding him as stolas tried in vain to get them too unhand blitzø. "Hey! You... You unhand him... You can't just... I'm... Uh- his manger!" Stolas blurted out in a desperate attempt, which resulted in him also being picked up and tossed into the back of the van rather harshly.

"Okay. It's okay. I'll figure a way out of this, don't worry stolas, loona and y/n are looking for your daughter, Millie and moxxie... Eh, have no fucking clue what they're doing, but it's hopefully helpful-"


"-I will kill for you, until the day we die!"

Millie and moxxie finished singing, Moxxie grabbing the money that had been tossed into his guitar case up. Now he could buy that up and coming musicians album!


Stolas leaned back with a sigh, still fairly worried, "I... I don't know... I'm worried about her, via. What if... What if we don't find her?"

Blitzø frowned, he's never actually seen stolas so vulnerable, not since that... Date. "We will... I promise. Besides, y/n's with loona, and doesn't your daughter prefer her anyways?"

"Well, yes-"

"Then it'll be fine." Blitzø said, reassuring him as the van started up, the engine revving to life, smoke sputtering out of the exhaust pipe as the director drives too the Hollywood set.

The van parking outside the building around back, they yanked out and hauled off onto set, "alright! Get out there," the director said pushing blitzø towards the set, he panicked, he had no idea what he was doing even, no script, no warning, no nothing. "Wait! Wait I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing," he spat out quickly digging his heels down.

He had other things to worry about, but the director rolled his eyes, "then you should've read the contract before you signed it!"

"What about the script?" Blitzø asked again, being mistaken for a celebratory was now one of blitzø's worst fears, that and losing y/n.

"You don't need one! It's why God in invented teleprompters, whatever they're called, just get out there, your on in a few minutes." The director said leaving. Blitzø went into a cold sweat, it's been so long since he's been on a stage, so many things could go wrong. "Relax." Stolas said, already seeing the panic, in blitzø's eyes, "if you're performance in bed is half as good as your performance on stage is, you'll absolutely kill it." He said, pushing him out onto set, the sooner this is over, the sooner they both could return too looking for Octavia.


Word count: 761

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