chapter thirty eight: harvest moon festival (pt 1)

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Stolas sighs in contentment, sitting up in the bed, the covers over his head. You're wrists and ankles were tied up, and you're mouth gagged. "I'm sorry if I went a bit over board with... You. But unfortunately I had to move this little rendezvous early, but I gave an engagement this month on the full moon." He reaches over and and unclips the gag. "It's fine. It's fine." You say, spitting out some feathers, as blitzø left the bathroom wearing a red robe.

"I just... Didn't expect it too escalate so quickly." You say, blitzø laughs, shaking his head slightly as he untied your wrists and ankles. "Oh, get used to it, because this is normal. Because when this happens it doesn't really bother me."

He finishes untying your ankles and wrists, stolas snagging his cigarette taking a long drag out of it before putting it out. "But, do you really need the book for this farm bullshit? I have, like, fifteen new clients waitin' for heads to roll." He says with a sigh, pulling out the egg vibrator from your sore vagina. "Oww..." You mumbled, relieved to be completely empty.

Stolas chuckled softly undoing the chest buckle thingy he had wrapped around your breasts, undoing it. In it's place red lines and imprints, "As shocking as it may seem, Blitzy, my grimoiiiiiire is actually incredibly important. And it isn't supposed to be lent out to itty-bitty Imps or angels like yourself." Stolas says gently pinching your cheek and blitzø's cheek.

Blitzø Huffs lightly shoving stolas away as stolas continued talking, pulling you into his lap. "The Harvest Moon is a very special occasion! It's been my annual duty to showcase it in the Ring of Wrath. It's celebrated by a very charming little festival with the locals." He says with a tilt of his head, wrapping the sheets around you.

Blitzø pulls out a gray feathers face scrunched in disgust, "Wrath, huh? My employees are from there. I've never really been. I hear it's full of inbred chucklefucks." You gasp, "blitzø! That's rude! How do you know it's full of inbreds." You say frowning.

"... Moxxie is proof of that. And you've never been there." He says flatly before chucking the feather away from him, lighting up another cigarette.

"Oh! Why don't you all join me at the festival? I can guarantee you all…" stolas says in a flirty tone of voice, "special access~ oh! And y/n will get too see the pain games." Stolas added with a smile.

Blitzø hummed softly, "well, I told you already, we're not bodyguards. Okay? That was a one-time thing we did badly. Terribly." Blitzø said, "and y/n is too... Uh-" he tosses a look in your direction, watching you pout over your ripped clothes that were expensive. "... See? She wouldn't fit in a place like that. Especially with... All the dirt and horse shit." He says with a shrug.

"Please? It's only for the week, besides, wouldn't you want to impress her at the pain games?" Stolas said softly pouting.

"... Hmm, well... A week long vacation does sound nice, and I definitely still want too one up moxxie, to put his gift he gave her too shame, fine." Blitzø said, "and as long as you promise this isn't some fuck fest invite, it does sound like it could be a blast and a half. Plus, it's not like we can do jack shit without your book anyway." He says, thinking for a moment.

Stolas smiles leaning in and pinching his cheek gently as his other hand played with your white floppy ears, lightly bouncing them. He loved fluffy things, and your cute floppy ears were something he absolutely lived for. To ever think you hid them, it was basically a sin in his eyes, to hide such fluffy things.

"Aww, I'm sowwy your clients will have to wait…" he says as blitzø smiles and waves him off dismissively, "Oh, fuck my clients!"


"Mmhm..." Moxxie mumbled in his sleep turning from his side onto his back fast asleep next to his wife Millie who was hugging a pillow with a picture of you on it, him and his wife had talked, and both mutually agreed on their attraction towards you, even if it was kinda quick, and agreed that they were looking too full that empty spot.

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