chapter one: unsatisfied

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"what?! Can't a guy appreciate a good ass when he sees one?" Adam says exasperatedly, like he didn't just pick lock your front door and sneak in.

"No! Especially when it's non consensual- wait... What is that sticking out of your pocket?" You say, forgetting the fact you were butt naked cheeks and everything out, eyes trained on something red and lacy that was hanging out of his pocket.

Adam smirks, pulling out your lacy garments he had stolen from your dresser, "what? These?" He says cheekily, holding out a pair of red, lacy revealing garments. It didn't hurt to look good, even if it was for yourself, it was called self love but in Adam's gross mind he probably thought you were hooking up with people.

"Yes! Those!" You snapped going to snatch your stuff out of his hands but he holds them out of reach, "ah-ah-ah, no, no," he says smugly pocketing them.

"What do you mean no?!" You say, huffing out glaring at Adam, he chuckled, "well... I mean, your not getting these back without a few stains." He says, a shit eating grin on his face.

"You're disgusting," you say shutting the shower door with a huff, finishing up with the shower, no longer happy. "Only for you babe," he purred out pulling his mask off putting the lacy garments up to his nose inhaling deeply, a strangled whine of disappointment leaving him, they didn't smell like you. "Did you wash these?" He grumbled out, turning to your laundry hamper, tossing the clean undergarments away rifling through the hamper for any unwashed lacy garments that would smell like you.

"Obviously! I'm not like you, someone who wears the same robe for years." You scoffed, not seeing the mess he was creating, the glass of the shower door fogged up. You were so deeply offended that he'd even ask that.

He rolled his eyes at your response, "I smell amazing thank you, you... You asshole." He says finding a pair of garments that weren't lacy but still pretty and smelled like you, a tent Popping out from his robe. He shuddered burying- more like shoving his entire face into the garment, his gloved hand shifting to the tent that was popped out, he didn't wear boxers or anything beneath his robe, why would he? The entire robe covered his body. He saw no reason for such things, he'd rather have it all hanging out, easy access for a quickie or blow job.

He applied pressure to the tent, a gray splotch appearing where it was as he palmed it, he bit his bottom lip, stifling a moan, he looked to the shower, the glass was fogged up, too fogged up for you to see, a shame really, he'd love for you to watch more than anything.

He pulled his shaft out, the shaft a lighter color than his fair skin, the slit oozing a golden stream of sticky ropes onto the floor, making a mess that would have you reeling back in disgust. He smirked, god he loved pissing you off and making you cry, he held the undergarments up yo his nose, eyes shut as his other hand wrapped around the base of his shaft, what the biggest turn on for him was the fact you were showering yet you had no clue. You were really stupid.

He shuddered, stifling another moan, biting his bottom lip harder as he gave his shaft a firm, pump, spreading the sticky golden liquid over his shaft, imagining you licking up the mess he made, making him unbearably harder. His face turning flushed as knots tied in his gut, "not yet, not yet," he repeatedly thought, trying to hold on a little longer, he's never finished this fast before, he usually could last for hours, it was the vary thought of you watching was what got him nearer to the edge, he held off taking a moment to painfully stop pumping his shaft, cooling down before giving it a good few firmer pumps, imagining you're dainty hands running down his shaft, your soft lips pressing against the head of his leaking shaft, a moan escaping his lips, his body tensing up as he forcefully made himself let go of his shaft fixing his robe and cleaning up the mess he made as the shower slowly came to a stop.

He frantically fumbled with his mask, the golden sticky liquid dripping off his fingers as he put it on, washing his gloved hands off just as you reached out grabbing a towel to wrap around yourself.

You stepped out wrapped in a towel hair wet but nice and clean, silky soft. You didn't notice anything off with Adam, besides his breathlessness and the mess of clothes he strewn across the once clean marble floor.

"S- so, I- I'll just wait for you to finish changing in here." He says, breathless, hands clasped in front of the gray splotch on his robe, covering it.

You're lips purse eyes narrowing at him, "... Okay..." You say slowly, something was off about him but you left it be leaving to your room.

He breathed a frustrated sigh, why'd you have to be so damn pretty? Why couldn't you just be an easy lay? You just had to be so damn difficult.

He shook off his irritation at himself, you, and his damn erection that just wouldn't go. Maybe you'd entertain him after dinner? Humor him even with just the slightest chance of having you? There was a low chance you would, you were a person of high standards and beliefs. But it was never too low of a chance.

You finished getting dressed, a nice dress that was white and modest, covering up just enough to leave a lot to the imagination.

You're wings were dried, and fluffed, everything was perfect about you, not a single hair on your pretty head out of place, you wore a pendant, a ruby ingrained into the old golden pendant.

"Okay, ready?" You ask, looking up at Adam who nodded, back to his cocky self he grabbed your hand leading your out, his wings unfurling spreading out behind you widely, he pulled you into his arms flying off to that restaurant that he had reservations at.

Word count: 1'079

Was this good? I'm a bit rusty when it comes to smut, even if it's just a little glimpse of it. I need some thoughts on it.

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