chapter three: grievances and a new 'friend'?

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You sat up, back aching. You felt shitty, more than shitty disgusting. You're wings had been stripped of you, your title as an angel, now being replaced by fallen angel, you'd rather lie here unconscious than be conscious and know you've lost your title as an angel.

"And I was like- oof!" Someone tripped over your body, cursing beneath their breath, "who the fuck-.... A human?" The imp says confused, did humans have Asmodeus crystals now? The imp reaches for his phone cursing louder when he sees the cracked screen. "Great." He muttered standing up dusting himself off he casts you a look.

"You... Okay?" He inquires pulling you up to stand. Wow, you were so short, "what... Are you even?" He says circling you for a moment touching the open wounds on your back.

"Ow!" You say moving away from him, the imp rolls his eyes, "relax, I barely even touched it yet." He says, moving the ripped fabric out of the way vary gently, assessing the wounds.

"Ah fuck, you don't look so hot right now." He says before walking to the front of you, extending his hand out he shook your hand firmly, "the name's blitzø! The 'o' is silent." Blitzø says smiling.

"What 'o'?" You say confused, he smiles, "aw, thanks, aren't you sweet." He says smiling, cooing the words out. You frowned momentarily before looking around. Yep, this place looked shitty, what part of hell were you in exactly? You looked up at a sign, which read "imp city".

"The name's y/n..." You say, looking back at blitzø, he was... Tall? Like, above average size you believed, looking at some imps who passed by, they were small and not vary tall. But he was like taller than you.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, y/n! Welcome to hell! Specifically imp city! You're new here, you're gonna need a job and a place to crash at-" he started listening off things, you're mind was on greater matters though.

"Do they have good shampoo/conditioner and body wash down here?" Because looking and smelling good is all that mattered to you, you hadn't being dirty, it felt wrong.

"- and you're gonna need weapons to defend yourself when the yearly extermination happens." He finished smiling. "Here's my business card," he said handing you a poorly written and made card, which just said, "busy card"... Which was kinda cute, turning it over it was what seemed to be or had been a grocery list. You chuckled softly looking up at him.

"Thank you blitzø..." You say looking up at him, putting the grocery list turned business card into your pocket. He smiled, "you're welcome! How about I show you around imp city, it's relatively safer than pentagram city." He said extending his arm to you, trying to come off as a gentleman.

You smiled taking his arm gently, maybe this wouldn't be so bad, as long as they have good shampoos and conditioners.

Word count: 499

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