chapter twenty nine: concerns, suspicions and lost in the pride ring

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Husk eyed alastor, the ex overlord uncomfortable with how touchy alastor had been with the fallen angel. He rarely let other touch him, let alone touch them, unless it was on the shoulders only but he had seen him with his hand pressed against the fallen angel's back.

Alastor couldn't be trusted, not with him scheming all the time or tricking others into deals with him, just how the hell did alastor manage to even find you? It's not easy finding a fallen angel, especially ones who's wings were clipped or either burned off upon into hell, especially the pride ring when everybody looked fucked up and odd. Husk might've passed you off as being just a regular sinner, he had no idea you were a fallen angel, not until vaggie had flipped her shit at alastor for bringing you here to the hotel.

He was gonna be keeping a vary close eye on alastor, he was definitely up to something and that devious smile said it all.

"Charlie, we can't trust them. They're an angel! Most likely an exterminator!" Vaggie said with irritation and suspicion. "What's the odds of one being fallen? Unless they're here too make this project even harder." She added as charlie said. "Oh, vaggie c'mon! They don't have wings, they're completely harmless!" She said with a smile, "if they wanted to try and make this harder, wouldn't they have done so a long time ago?"

"Well I-" charlie cut vaggie off again, grabbing her girlfriend's shoulders gently. "Relax, give them a chance." Charlie said, offering a hopeful smile, softening vaggie up slightly. "Fine. But I'll be watching them vary, vary closely." She said still remaining firm.

Vaggie walks off towards the office with charlie disappearing from sight, the only two in the lobby now we're husk, and alastor who was just standing there smiling and humming in thought.

"I'm watching you," he thinks eyes narrowed taking a swing of his booze, barely noticing you as you walk by, exiting the hotel, presumably to go back to wherever the hell alastor most definitely abducted you from, he refused to believe anybody would follow him willingly. Unless they were dense or just retardedly stupid.

"Now where do you think you're going dear?" Alastor inquired, his brow raised a inquisitive smile on his face. "Uh-... Back to... The cafe I had been at?" You say looking at him.

"But dear, you just got here! Won't you stay awhile?" He said grasping your shoulder tightly. He didn't know what it was about you that was quite intriguing but something was, and he wanted to know what it exactly was that intrigued him.

"Nope, no, no. I have friends I need to get back too-"

"Friends? You? You have friends?" He said in such a polite yet mocking tone. "Those, goetias, aren't friends, simple facts. Someone above us overlords, but that's it, merely power hungry birds-"

"Alastor how about you leave the kid alone? At least she has some friends. What about you? Oh, yeah, that's right, just souls and your shadows." Husk intervened, giving you a chance to skedaddle off, which you did. The heels were hard to quickly walk off in though, the leering looks and calls towards you were endless, and you were pretty sure you were lost because you had went in a circle. You've never fully been to this part of hell, and it was overwhelming.

"Hey, there pretty thing~" one demon called out as you passed you laughed nervously rejecting any offer given to drive you home, you didn't trust the demons in this part of the ring, in imp city everybody was pretty much trustworthy and less sleazy.

"Nope! All good." You say back quickly leaving as the demon's growls in response. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Where am I?" You think looking up at the sign posts that were covered in blood, passing by a tv station where a group of demons were just sucked into whatever they were watching.

"-and here at vox-tech you're safety is our number one concern!" A smooth voice said, curious you look back at the tv, watching as a demon with a tv head announced security systems now made to work against exterminators.

"... That's not gonna work." You muttered continuing on your way, the group of demons eyes swirling with reds and blues, hypnotized by the tv demon.

The demon frowned watching as you left, unaffected by his powers completely. "Interesting."

Vox thinks, with a snap of his fingers the announcement is done and over with, giving him the chance to hop into the internet and tv, too tv to see the strange sinner he spotted leaving unaffected.

Word count: 785

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