chapter twenty seven: bonding time

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"wow... Uh... Interesting aesthetic," you say, checking out a black lace dress, "I know right? It's not what made me so obsessed with them though," Octavia said grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the taxidermy isle.

Stolas ducked underneath the doorframe, as to not hit his head on it, "oh.... Oh, my." Stolas says looking around, stylish occults was something else, that was for sure.

"This is what made me so obsessed with them! I mean just check this out." She said lifting up a hefty looking taxidermy animal. It was a hog, but it looked different, "huh, so this is taxidermy." You say checking it out with interest. You remembered from your time when you had been alive you're father would bring home antlers or squirrel tails, for you of course.

You remembered how the walls would be decorated in his hunting 'trophies', like deer heads or elk heads or including birds. Octavia turned to the clothes racks. Pulling out a lace black dress, heels and a choker. The lace dress had flower designs in it, the choker being made up of silk fabric, the black rose being made of the same fabric.

The heels had a red interior to them and a beautiful flower design on the outside. "Here try these on." Octavia said giving you the dress, choker and heels before pushing you towards the changing room, "oh, uh- okay-" she closes the door, leaving you alone in the dirty changing room, a pack of empty condoms- blitzø had taught you what those were meant for- were scattered all over, the walls dirty.

You sighed softly turning to the mirror, it was clean, but smudged. You started removing your clothes, figuring out how to put on a lace dress, along with the choker and heels, you didn't normally wear dresses or stuff like this, but you didn't mind it, it didn't hurt to look pretty at times.

"Huh, cute... But not my style." You mumbled, brushing a strand of hair back behind your ear moving around to see how you fully looked. The dress was light and flowy, comfortable but not too tight, the choker was an acquired taste you figured, slightly tight but not irritating to your sensitive skin.

"Okay, I'm all done." You say stepped back out trying not to fall because of the heels, "wow... You look amazing! Lemme get a picture." Octavia said pulling out her phone, pulling you into her side taking a picture of the two of you together, the flash blinding you momentarily, pupils becoming blown wide before you blink a couple of times, blinking away the slight blindness of how bright that flash had been.

"Great!" She said, stolas, her father was in the BDSM isle, checking out some leather ropes and gags. "Huh, this'll do..." He muttered to himself, taking a mental note to come back here and buy some stuff when Octavia wasn't around.

She dragged you out, the store keeper saying nothing to her about paying because she was prince stolas's daughter. And he didn't want to get on the prince's bad side at all, or lose a potential customer.

"Ooh, and then we can go to the movie theaters! I heard there was a good thriller playing." She said excitedly, stolas right behind her humming softly smiling. Listening to his daughter chatter away to you, this was good. For her to have a friend of course, someone she can go out and do stuff with instead of staying home and... Listening to him and her mother fight.

"Oh, and there's this really cool fish exhibit in the upper part of the pride ring, haven't checked it out yet but I heard it sounds good!" Octavia said smiling, "huh, I actually never fully explored the pride ring before that sounds nice," you responded with a smile, hanging out with someone other than blitzø was nice, not like loona wasn't but she was independent and preferred her own space, so talking with and hanging out with someone new was nice.

"How do you two feel about having a quick bite to eat?" Stolas said placing gentle hands on yours and Octavia's shoulders, moving you towards a nice little cafe not too far from a flower shop, "sounds good dad." Octavia responded before returning to chattering,

"It's nice to see my little Starfire immediately take to y/n, I thought she'd never even glance their way. This'll do her some good though, getting out and getting some sun with a friend," stolas thinks humming softly as he ducks behind you both to get into the cafe before straightening up.

Octavia takes a seat at a nice table pulling you along with her, this is as much fun as she's ever had, hanging out with someone who doesn't pressure her or nag her. Who listens and understands.

"Okay, I'll get some caramel coffee and some macaroons." Octavia said, she turns to you, "what are you getting?"

"Oh, just some black coffee." You say with a smile, taking a seat as stolas orders the food. You hum softly to yourself, looking around as the cafe doors open,

"well, well, well! Hello my dear!" A tall man dressed in a red suit says, his hair, or were those actual deer ears? You couldn't tell, they were red and black at the tips, "uh-... Hi?" You say weirded out slightly as his red eyes linger on you, his smile widening greatly.

"The name's alastor dear! A pleasure to meet you dear! Quite a pleasure!" He said extending his gloved hand grasping yours firmly he pulled you up twirling you around, "you see deary, I was looking for some random people to hire to be the hotel's singer- and you look like the perfect candidate!" Alastor says, making up something half baked lie, if he were to just try and drag you to the hotel that would definitely scare you, but he needed to prove to vaggie, that doppelganger who looked not too different from Susan that he actually had an angel.

"Oh, but-" he pressed a finger against your lips, shutting you up. "Ah-ah-ahh, dear! I insist! Besides it's not far from here..." He said with a smile, "I'm sure whoever your hanging with won't mind... Right?" There's a slight threat to his tone, the smile not quite reaching his red eyes. You swallow thickly nodding fast smiling nervously.

"Good! Come along dear." Alastor said turning on his heel twirling his cane around not waiting for you, expecting you to just follow. You follow right behind him, looking back behind you briefly, yeah, they'll be fine.

It would only be a little visit than you'd get going.

It'll be fine to this hotel, that's all.

Word count: 1'129

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