chapter twenty five: bodyguards and loo loo land (pt 5)

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"oh, look, moxxie! A thing!" Millie said excitedly dragging her husband towards a game booth, stuffies were hung up on hooks, ranging from large to medium sized panda like stuffies that were purple and pink with a beak and flipper feet. "Hello, hello! Step right up and win a thing!"

The grubby looking carnie said, seeing his next gullible targets, they'd be his fourth gullible targets. Moxxie looks up at the things, before looking at his wife, "would you like one of those things?" He asked, reaching into his pocket to pull out his wallet.

"YEEEEESSS! I don't really know what that thing is but I want that thing!" Millie said excitedly. She wanted to squeeze the cute thing, "oh! Could we get one for y/n? Since she's with blitzø and all?" Millie added looking at her husband.

Moxxie nodded, "yes, the poor dear, we'll get her one. As consolidation. For working with blitzø and having to be in his presence and all." Moxxie said, adding a bit of salt to the words, he could only imagine what you were going through right now.

He pulls out a couple of dollars handing them to to the vendor, confident in his ability to win for his wife. "One game, please!" He said. He only needed one game to win, he was sure of it.

The carnie imp rolled his eyes, using his tail to hand moxxie a pistol with a cork projectile in the muzzle of the pistol. Moxxie, who's overly confident doesn't bother to line his aim up choosing to look at his wife with a smile as he shoots, hitting the target tight on the bullseye, but it doesn't go down like he thought it would causing him to frown and the carnie imp to smile smugly.

"Ooh, strike one, little man!" He says with a condescending tone causing moxxie to frown harder. "But, I hit it!" He said looking at the target he definitely hit, maybe something was wrong with the pistol or the targets itself for it to not go down automatically.

"Hmmm, I don't know what to tell ya, buddy. The target, see? It didn't go down. So, yeah...! No go, bro." The carnie imp said, knowing just what to do to get under moxxie's skin. The carnie imp lit up a handmade cigarette that he made out of a green dollar bill moxxie have him, taking a puff out of it.

Moxxie growls and hisses out in anger, his tongue flicking out as he slammed another dollar bill down onto the wooden deck, he snatches the pistol this time actually making a point to aim it right and shoot at the target again. Watching it hit the damn target, but not once go down.

"The heaven's wrong with this thing?" He says looking at the pistol, maybe it wasn't firing hard enough. The carnie imps smirks, smoking the dollar blunt he made, "oh, man. A real shame I tell ya." He says, mockingly making crying sounds in response to moxxie's annoyance and anger, only pissing him off further.

Moxxie hisses in anger slamming a third dollar bill onto the wooden deck, his body stiff and rigid. "Another!" He demanded, Millie standing back watching with a frown as moxxie continued to try and win the game for her.


"Oh! And they have these cool shrunken heads!" Octavia finished, smiling as she pulled out two small shrunken heads on black chains that were tied to the dry hair. "Ooooh... Are those real?" You say poking the leathery skin, "of course-" you're both interrupted by robo fizz finishing the song, loud fireworks popping and going off. You both hadn't heard the end of the song, but stolas seemed to really enjoy it. "Ah, hohohoho ho ho ho ho ho, how delightful! How absolutely delightful! Via, n/n what did you think?" Stolas asks looking at his daughter and you a smile on his face.

Right behind stolas was an imp armed with a jagged knife raised above stolas's head, only for blitzø to shoot the imp immediately, blasting a hole through his face blood splattering everywhere. "Oh my!" Stolas immediately looked behind him at stolas, his libido sky rocketing. "What aim you have blitzy." He says.

Octavia groans furiously standing up, "I can't do this anymore!" She storms off leaving the tent, you look over at stolas who's still absorbed in flirting with blitzø. You sighed standing up you grab the shrunken heads she left before running after her. "Octavia wait!" You call out.

You chased after her in the fun house, ducking and dodging swinging pendulums and the hand seats sticking out of the floor of the fun house. "Octavia?" You say softly, walking into the empty area. She was curled up in an apple cart, it was like those teacup things, those rides you go in, and you hold on as it spins. You could never remember what they were called.

You step into the slow moving apple cart sitting next to her as chaos raged outside, she sniffled legs pulled up to her chest. "Why does he live flirting with that red dickhead more than he loves me?" She asks softly tears in her eyes. She didn't expect you to answer her, but you did. "He does love you-"

"Then why does he always talk about his red dickhead?" She said looking at you, "he ruined... Everything. Mom hates him, he hates mom. Everything was going good, but he just had to ruin it... It's not fair." She buried her face into her arms.

"I... Well, I don't know what's going on in your life. But you're dad does love you, even if blitzø is his sole interest at the moment, he cares for you." You say, scooting closer to her, "and things might not be good now, but it'll get better, things aren't met to be easy, things don't last forever. Especially marriages, I know that vary well." You say placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's... It's just not fair..." She repeated sobbing now immediately wrapping her arms around you crying into your shoulder.

"I know, I know it's not fair, seeing the two people who raised you, grow distant, and leave eachother. It's hard, but they still love you, no matter how distant they grow." You say, she sniffled looking up at you, "it's just... What if he runs away with him? What if he runs somewhere I can't find him? Is that what he wants? To run somewhere I can't find him?"

"No, no he'd never do that," you reassure hugging her side, "never," you say. Even if you only just met stolas, you knew he'd never abandon his daughter.

"She's right, I'd never run from you, ever. You're my special little Starfire," stolas says, entering the area, he had been silently watching, he had chose to stay out of sight for awhile, choosing to listen, for a bit before intervening or interjecting. Having someone to talk to her and relate to her was a better choice, but hearing her fear of him just up and abandoning her broke his heart. He bent down sitting between you and Octavia pulling her into his arms.

"I'd never leave you," he reassures once more, "let's go home, you are right, you are too old for this place anyways." He says standing up to his full height he walks out, you at his side.

As he leaves the room an imp jumps from the ceiling, holding a knife getting ready to attack, but before the imp can stolas swings around, his red eyes widening as he glared at the imp, turning him to stone before returning to walking out with you.

"So he can defend himself." You think to yourself you and stolas stepping out too utter chaos, the entire park on fire the tent in flames and an imp dressed in white with a cane was running around screaming in pain on fire.

"Oh... My goodness..."

Word count: 1'337

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