chapter forty five: truth serum (pt 1)

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Stolas hummed softly, lounging in his tub filled too the brim with soapy bubbles, a sigh escaping past his beak. His fingers holding a bubble that was large, soapy and bright.

It reflected his own reflection, his red eyes twinkling with emotion, "y/n, blitzy... Y/n, y/n, y/n, y/n-" his thoughts are interrupted by the bubble popping, a spray of shiny liquid shooting up and every where.

"Mmm, I wonder what y/n is doing," stolas said softly raising up another bubble, showing a reflection of you. "How curious." He mumbled snapping his fingers getting out of the tub and putting on a robe over his wet feathery body. "Who's this?" He mumbled looking closely at the reflection watching a tall gray man interact with you, switching your clothes and what you wore with ease.

He popped it with his slim fingers, feeling... Upset? Maybe, he didn't like it when other people touched you, even his blitzy. It made him feel threatened.

He walked to the kitchen ignoring a grumbling stella, she was on the phone screeching about something he didn't have the energy or time to care for. Reaching a wet feathery hand out he grabbed a mug, pouring reheated coffee into it and taking a long sip, Octavia was studying in his office, Stella was bitching to her brother andrealphus, and he had no total duties to attend to at all today.

He set his mug down sighing softly as he returns to his room to change attires, he'd pay you a visit, to see who your delight little friends were.


"So... This is what I'll be performing?" You say looking over a binder of songs Charlie's thought up of, all consisting of hope redemption and happiness. "Yeah!" She nodded smiling Brightly bouncing around in excitement.

"Cool... Cool," you say nodding going through some before finding one that would actually appeal to this hotel, and what it's trying to achieve.

"Great! How about you get started!" She said pushing you towards the elevator, "what a delightful little hotel!" A voice said behind her, "had I known a pleasant little hotel like this was here I would've spent the full moon here,"

Stolas said stepping into the hotel, quaint and pretty. Didn't mean he had to like you're little friends though, "stolas?" You're voice snapped him out of thought a smile gracing his beak as he strode forward. "What're you doing here-"

"To visit of course!" He says, cutting you off pushing between charlie and you. "I was just curious is all," he said, "I had no idea this is where you went for your off days, and you have..." He trailed off looking around the lobby, his eyes landing on the train wreck known as angel dust, the alcoholic cat demon with issues, aka; husk, than there was the man he saw switching your clothes alastor.

"... Such interesting friends," he said with a forced smile looking at your friends. "... This is the competition I'm dealing with?" He thinks to himself before turning back to you. "Now, how about you show me around," he said extending his arm out for you to grab.

"Uh- sure," you say taking his arm before moving towards the elevator, there were five floors to the hotel, a library somewhere in the middle, of the hotel, along with a basement and attic. There was a greenhouse up on the rooftop of the hotel, though you were sure nobody used it.


"sir. They know about y/n," moxxie groaned out in pain, tied to a chair that was tied to a chair blitzø was in. Agent one and agent two were busy looking at the surveillance cameras, going over the footage they had. "And? Y/n's not dumb enough to get caught." Blitzø said confidently.

"Okay, but what's stopping them from trying to find her?" Moxxie countered back looking over his shoulder. "I... Shut up moxxie, nothing bad is gonna happen." Blitzø snaps, a grumble leaving his red lips. "All we gotta do, is be annoying as fuck till they give up. Should be a piece of cake," he says looking over at moxxie from over his shoulder.

A green fog slowly filled into the room from the vents, slowly moving up from floor level, catching moxxie's attention. "Uh- sir? Do see this stuff?" Moxxie asks, kicking up his hoof, causing the smog to move slightly.

"Yeah- what the fuck is this?" Blitzø asks as moxxie sniffs it slightly. "Well- maybe it's some sort of truth telling serum." Moxxie says, looking over his shoulder as more green fog filled into the room.

"Well, ask me something I wouldn't tell anybody." Blitzø says, looking around. "Uh- okay... Have you ever spied on y/n showering or anybody else for that matter." Moxxie asks, blitzø grins unabashedly openly admitting it. "Yeah, she's got hella tits. Wait, no ignore what I just said." He shakes his head, snapping out of it.

Blitzø watched as moxxie slowly went out of it, drooling, "what the fuuuuuck-" his own head slowly lolled to the side, the drug taking its effect.

Word count: 856

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