chapter twelve: something new

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Alastor was sat comfortably at a table in his friend's shop, Rosie's to be specific, his leg crossed over the other. The shop was small, but appealing to the eye, his red gaze focused up at the sky, beyond the pentagram Sigel in the sky which kept sinners, from leaving hell.

Why was he looking up? Because he spotted a young, angel falling through the clouds, her clothes tattered, from what he could see that is. Her wings gone completely.

Before she fell completely out of his view, in somewhere in imp city, close by to cannibal colony.

He set the cup down, interest bubbling up in him, he stood up, waving a hand he summoned his mic staff, "thank you Rosie dear for the coffee and company! I have to be going now, have a wonderful evening." He said walking out he cafe towards imp city, greeting other fellow cannibals, paying no mind to the women who fawned over him.

"I don't want to set the world on fire..." He hummed softly, a song either line before or after his time, but one he enjoyed nonetheless. He fixed his monocle, the lamppost lights lighting up his pale gray skin as he left cannibal colony, imp city wasn't far, not too far at least.

He walked a long stride, a smile ever present on his face, sinners avoided the sidewalk he was on, avoiding eye contact, and being around him, which he didn't mind at all.

"Hmm, now what do we have here?" He says, lightly using the bottom of his mic staff, nudging the woman's head.

"Completely out of it," he thinks to himself, circling around the angel, the woman had lovely soft hair, and was quite short, but he didn't expect much from a pampered angel.

He leaned down, eyes racking over the woman's petite figure, he gingerly reached out, using his pointer finger and thumb he lifted up a delicate hand, so small compared to his own, adorable. He set the hand back down straightening up he looked around, being an angel unconscious in hell, wasn't the best thing.

"Hmm, I'll be right back." He says, to no before walking off. To get charlie or to at least tell the naive bubbly princess first hand that there would be a new guest at the hotel, so her wretched girlfriend vaggie, doesn't maul the angel on sight. God vaggie reminded him too much of Susan.


"A guest? Really!?" Charlie said, overly excited bubbling with happiness, vaggie looked sceptical at alastor, what guest was he talking about? She stayed at her girlfriends side, glaring at alastor.

"Yes, I just have to go fetch her. She recently just fell from heaven." Alastor said fixing his monocle, vaggie's glare hardened, "an angel? At the hotel? You do know what they do right?" She spat out incredulously, alastor laughed, a soundtrack of more laughter playing, "of course I do dear! But the person in question appears to weak to even lift a weapon, let alone try to harm anybody." Alastor said, giving vaggie no time for rebuttal because he was already gone.

Upon returning back to where he saw the person, the spot was empty, the fallen angel no longer there. His smile grew strained, eyes narrowed he looked at whatever sinner was around, wondering if they did something. The sinners in question all scattered off, out of his view, a tall red imp showed the angel around.

Word count: 592
I felt like doing this chapter, it's from alastor's view point of course.

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