chapter thirty four: three annoying little shits (C.H.E.R.U.B. pt 2)

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You all were on a tour bus, one which was going by expensive houses which happened to be the house of one of your targets. "Gee, I wonder whose house this is," moxxie said sarcastically looking through binoculars as the tour guide immediately started talking about how the house the tour bus was in front of belonged to Lyle Lipton. The three imps wore terrible tacky disguises, while you didn't need to, fallen angels, or regular angels had human disguises so there really was no reason for wigs, makeup and other things like that.

So you were all good technically since humans have become significantly more dumber as to not see the red skin blitz, Millie and moxxie had, the three of them jumped off the bus creeping up to the house you following behind them leisurely as the tour guide spoke over a microphone about three tacky stalkers, that being blitzø, Millie and moxxie.

"We should've done this at night." You muttered as you all tip toed up to the window, Millie was scouting the area, making sure nobody was around while you, blitzø and moxxie peeked into the window.

An old man laid on the bed, holding a picture frame which you thought was a family photo when I reality it was stock photo of his money.

"Goodbye... My one true love." The old man said kissing the photo before setting it on his bedside table, giving you the chance to see the photo. "Oh," you say seeing it was just money and not any family members, but than again what did you expect? He's a rich greedy man.

"This is definitely the guy." You say as blitzø nods holding up a cat sock puppet next to him, "is he..." Moxxie trailed off looking at you and blitzø before back to the old man who tied a noose with those blue medical tubes.

"That machine really did a number on him." Moxxie says, blitzø smiles and chuckled grimly. "Oh, look, he's doing our job for us."

"Should we... Go in and help him?" You say watching as the old man struggled at first to tie it properly. "No, look. He's got it." Blitzø said munching on some popcorn as you and moxxie watch as the old man gets ready to put the noose over his head but it glows than floats, suddenly a Brust of light erupts, blasting harsh winds that break some windows and blow blitzø's sock puppet.

"No... Not those shit heads." You say ears flapping aggressively as the old man freaks out, pulling the blue sheets up as Cletus, keenie and Collin float down gracefully in front of him.

"Oh, lord, I'm being haunted by ugly orphan children now!" Lyle exclaims glaring up at the rule breaking cherubs. "That's a good response to such little gremlins." You think bitterly ears flapping hard.

"Who the fuck are they?" Blitzø says, irritated and annoyed as moxxie looks at him before looking back at the window. "They're-"

"The worst things god has yet to make." You say, cutting moxxie off, "cherubs, specifically these three," you say rolling your sleeves up you storm towards the door, you and moxxie being sensible to use it. "Now just wait a heavenly minute you gremlin snatching, rule breaking joy sucking little leeches-" you start having kicked the door down, stopping momentarily as blitzø slams his horns into the window, "just wait a fucking minute!" He says climbing into the room through the broken window before face planting into the floor.

"Lyle Lipton it is our-" moxxie pauses briefly looking at blitzø before continuing to talk to Lyle, "... Humble opinion that you should continue the process to commit... Die." He says, finding a less harsher word.

"Honestly, what do you expect to do with all this money? I mean.... You're kinda..." You looked him up and down, "old, and uh-"

"Gross," Millie finishes, right beside you, keenie shoots you both a look, receiving two middle fingers from you. "Is that a serious question?" She says, flying towards Lyle's bedsheets adjusting them.

"Can you take the rules seriously?" You countered back, shooting Cletus a middle finger. Goodness heaven's above did they bring the worst out of you, they were a problem from day one when you first arrived to heaven.

Keenie pulls Lyle's wallet out grabbing the money she flies around speaking. "He can help spread his wealth around with the people of the world! And do so much good with it! And be so fulfilled!"

She tosses the money up, some of it landing on your head and ears which twitch, flicking it off as Lyle cried out, grabbing his money immediately. "No!"

"I know damn well you gremlins know about the crimes he committed." You say glaring at keenie, Cletus and Collin, who dodge what you said.

"He could pay for new hospitals and schools!" Collin said excitedly, they didn't care. Well, Collin did, but not keenie and Cletus, to them, this was just another easy job to climb up the ranks in heaven which wasn't gonna work out for them.

"Why won't you let me die?" Lyle asks holding the sheets tightly looking at the cherubs. Blitzø walked up next to his bedside, "oh, sounds like ya need help offin' yourself there, buddy. Moxxie, what do we got for this fella?" He asks looking at moxxie who pulls out various weapons naming them off, Lyle grabs a rifle sticking the barrel of the rifle into his mouth before it's snatched away by one of the cherubs.

"No!" Keenie exclaims as Collins holds the gun away, "he's classier than that." Collins said tossing the gun aside. "Yeah, so classy in fact that he tests dangerous inventions on the poor and can't pay for new schools or hospitals." You countered back glaring at the three cherubs.

"There are still plenty of reasons to live, Mr. Lyle!" Collins says, looking at the old man, Millie rolls her eyes stepping towards the bed. "Yeah, right. Smells like he ain't been out of bed in months!" Millie said leaning down and taking a sniff of the sheets before vomiting at the side of the bed gripping moxxie's shoulders tightly as he and you pat and rub her back.

"Life can be beautiful at any age!" Cletus says, keenie agreeing with him, "And we'll show him!" All three cherubs cheer as blitzø curses loudly, "fuck! No!"

"Well, hell." You muttered, this was gonna be one long ass ride of they're trying to convince such a shit head like Lyle to not commit die.

"How's hell treating you?" Keenie says with mock care, "treating me better than your boyfriend that's for sure," you say snidely, blitzø, Collin, Cletus, moxxie and Millie watching the whole thing silently before moving on to trying to stop each other from doing the others job.

Word count: 1'145

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