chapter forty one: harvest moon festival (pt 4)

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"stupid snake... Stupid handsome face!" Blitzø growled out in disdain, sitting next too moxxie who looked worse for wear, having tried a few if the pain games and gotten injured badly.

"Stupid, up-start. Who the fuck does that shithead think he is?" He says looking at moxxie. "Apparently Casanova, sir." Moxxie wheezes out slightly, with a hint of bitterness.

"Well, not on my fuckin' watch. The dickhead can eat my ass when that happens." Blitzø said standing up he grabs a horse from the stall, as much as he wanted to fangirl and love on the horse he had a ride too ruin.

"Sir, I wouldn't recommend doing that, he's-... And he's gone." Moxxie muttered giving up. His boss was gonna learn the hard way, that it was nearly impossible to make striker look bad or even beat him in anything.


"Wow..." You say holding onto bombproof's reins gently, striker's hands encased yours. His broad chest pressed against the curve of your back, his breath hot against your neck.

"Amazin' ain't it?" He drawls out, gently snapping the reins making bombproof go faster, the black horse jumps over some fences, at first it was terrifying, but exhilarating at the same time.

You nod absentmindedly looking around, gazing up at the sky which was an orange red color, with mountains or geysers that spewed red orange liquid.

Striker steered bombproof towards the side of the train tracks, racing the train that speeded by, it was black with horns on the front of it. "Y'know, I ain't ever seen anythin' as pretty as you before."

Striker said, leaning forward, the smell of his cologne washing over you. A piney scent, a pleasant one. "Usual angels like you ain't down here, I figured you'd be up in pride. What brings a beauty like you here?" Striker adds, leaning forward now slightly up, causing bombproof to go faster.

"Oh, well, blitzø convinced me too come, with the promise of an actual free day off." You say, looking up slightly, his bandana tickling your nose slightly.

"Interestin' so, how's this ring treating you?" He says steering his horse back around across the dusty plains of the wrath ring. "It's fine, a little hot, but it seems okay." You say smiling softly.

This was relaxing, compared too the stress you feel being around with blitzø, he wasn't bad. Just a bit troubled, the way he acted with someone flirting with you was evidence to his fear of either abandonment or being alone. And his bullying of moxxie is definitely a result of his self esteem if anything.

"Good to hear, say, you'll be at the pain games won'tcha?" Striker asked, looking down at you slightly as bombproof began returning to the farm. You smelled sweet, lavender and something else he's smelled before, it only he could figure out why it was familiar.

"Heeeeey!" A voice from behind you and striker snapping him out of thought, causing striker too momentarily look over his shoulder, his features souring.

"Blitzø?" You say looking at him, he didn't have a proper hold on the reins so he was clinging to the side of the unhappy horse, a smile on his face. "Yeah! Figured I'd just join you both." He says with a goofy smile, striker dead silent, unhappy and annoyed.

He really couldn't get any time alone with you, bombproof's gaunt became a slowing trot as he slowly came to a stop outside the fence, striker hopping off of bombproof, holding out his hand, his gloves cut at the fingers. "There we go little lady." He said helping you off the horse, Barely batting an eye as the horse blitzø was on came to a very harsh halting stop, flinging him off into the hog pen, into the muddy puddle face first.

"I'm good!" He called out lifting his face out of the mod, "awh, god it got into my mouth, eugh." He gagged slightly standing up, slipping slightly.

You winced slightly watching as blitzø face planted into the mud again. "Ah! Y/n! There you are, where's blitzy?" You look up in surprise, before remembering that stolas was gonna be here, he was the one who did this curse moon thingy. "Um... There." You gesture, blitzø was covered in mud, blending in.

"Where-... Oh... Oh, my, blitzy." Stolas said, keeping his cape out of the way as he gently lifted blitzø out of the muddy puddle. "Well, you go get cleaned up and we can get this festival started!" He said shooing blitzø off excitedly smiling as he looked around observing the festival.

Things like these always intrigued him, the culture differences was refreshing and there was always something new too learn. Stolas's eyes landed back on you, his brows furrowing as he looks at striker. "And who's your... Friend?" He questions, leaning down to look at striker who simply smiled.

"Oh, this is striker!" You say smiling softly as striker leaned against the fence, his smile not exactly meeting his eyes. "This job will be easier than I thought." He thinks, it'll be easy keeping a tab on him if he's a near you, easy quick job.

"Come y/n! I wouldn't want you to miss the beginning of the harvest moon festival." Stolas said gently taking your hand and leading you towards the bleachers where Millie sat. Stolas was gonna be announcing the pain games, and he didn't want you too miss the start of the games.

Blitzø came back out, fully cleaned and all, ready for the game, and to absolutely beat the crap out of striker. So was moxxie but he wasn't in the best state, he was definitely gonna lose. No bets needed.

Word count: 953

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