chapter twenty two: liar, liar

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"Sera, have you seen y/n?" Adam asked landing in front of the Seraphim who was in God's place for the time being. "Yes, I told you yesterday I brought her back, I only let the ancient ones send her away to scare other curious angels," she says coolly, lying through her pearly white teeth.

Her hands set behind her back looming over Adam who looked up at her with skepticism, "you sure about that? I just checked her apartment and she's not-" sera raises her hand, silencing Adam, "I had her move apartments,"

"And switch jobs too?" He said incredulously his gold wings ruffled, "and you didn't tell me? Her boyfriend?" Sera raised a slim brow, "you took her on one date Adam." She said flatly. Correcting his choice of pronouns.

Adam rolls his eyes, arms crossed over his chest. "And? One date, equals to already dating. That's besides the point, are you gonna tell the first man where his girlfriend is?" He says arrogantly, not really caring about pronouns.

"She's here Adam, and first if all she didn't even consent to being your girlfriend... First man." Sera said with annoyance, "she's still readjusting to life in heaven after spending a few months in hell." She said, lying yet again through her teeth.

Adam's nose scrunched up, his mind maybe on fucking twenty-four seven but he wasn't stupid. Not entirely so, he knew a lie when he heard one. And sera was looking awfully guilty but he'd let this slide, maybe you told her you didn't want to be bothered. That's fine, he'll just find your new apartment and job and just so conveniently move next to you.

"Right, well, if you see tits tell her I said hi!" He flies off, sera glares at him. "First man... Hah! first man my ass." She said bitterly flying back home to panic out of view.

She told a lie. She sinned and it'll show through her perfect white wings. But what else was she supposed to say? 'sorry, but no, i couldn't find her because she's not exactly in any spot in the pride ring I know about'? Just like that? Heck no. Adam- not like she was scared or anything of him of all people. Would throw his little fit, and she wasn't in the mood for one headache after the other.

Especially after finding out Lucifer's daughter planned on setting up a redemption hotel of sorts, she already had issues on her hands well enough to send anybody into a mental break, like dealing with her sister who's still not accepting that her best friend, you, were sent wrongly to hell. She had to deal with what god left on his plate, the ancient ones that were karens and kens alike. And now this.

She had a tracking device on you, but it wasn't working so she couldn't easily locate you, meaning you were either in another ring at this current moment or in another part of the pride ring that was safe from angelic technology.

"Oh, lord give me strength." She said with a sigh walking to the meeting room shaking off the panic and anxiety as she takes a seat. The door to the room slowly closes shut, keeping any unwanted guests from overhearing any conversation between her, the arch angels, the ancient ones and the Seraphims.

Word count: 571

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