chapter two: unwanted advancements and fall from grace

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The restaurant was a nice snazzy place, soft music playing and the smell of expensive dishes. This restaurant was usually packed, but they probably booted someone out for Adam, everybody sucked up to Adam, they were practically up his asshole that's how much they kissed his ass.

"Well? What do ya think tits!" Adam said chest puffed out with pride gesturing to the well lit and snazzy establishment, what caught your eye was a stain on his robe though, wasn't big or eye catching but you paid attention to the little things.

"Hm? Oh... Good, it's nice." You say looking away from the stain to the restaurant, it was nice but nothing special, you weren't about to kiss up to his ass. It is, what it is.

"Good? That's it? Just nice?" Adam said scoffing, god you irritated him sometimes, "whatever, just enjoy the date Adam," he tells himself sighing he grabbed your hand pulling you into the restaurant behind him, "hey! Reservation over here! Out of the fucking way! First man coming through!" He announced brazenly, pushing other angels out of the way while you apologized for him.

You sighed glaring at him cheeks puffed out as he taped a clawed finger against the desk, was that his actual finger or just the gloves design? You couldn't tell. "Well? Hurry it up!" He snapped at the poor worker who was just going through the long, long list of people and the reservations made before giving entirely and just letting adam in to find his own table. "Fucking service here is fucking great," he said sarcastically looking quickly through the list before finding his table's number tugging you along.

He pushes you into the seat roughly before getting into his own, "sooo.... What do you think of heaven so far?" He says awkwardly, feeling off because he's never really made small talk with the people he wants to bang.

"It's... Good..." You say looking out the window, "but so mundane," you finished, looking at the clear stary night. Nothing was out of place in heaven, no bad weather, no rainstorms or anything of the sort. You missed not being able to guess what was gonna happen when you had been alive on earth, but now everything was so damn predictable.

"Mundane? The fuck is that word?" He says, mouth full of some ribs, the fuck were you using big words for? It's not like he can't understand what they mean, it's just. Overkill.

"Mundane? Y'know, lacking excitement," you say, giving him a short explanation because you know he has a short attention span of a goldfish. "Ah, Kay, cool, got it." Adam nods, not listening to a word you just said, busy stuffing his gob.

Sauce covered the side of his mouth, his gloves fingers sticky with the red stuff. You cringed back, you knew he could eat through that mask which you were thankful for because you didn't want to see how he eats at all.

You ate your pasta, enjoying the nice soft and warm noodles, not looking at him. This was the most awkwardest date you had yet, at least you had some connection with your exes, this was just flat out tossing two people together and saying: fuck it.

Throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks and you so happened to have stuck to it unfortunately.

"- like you should've heard the screams, fuckin' awesome," Adam says, taking about the extermination day, though you only heard half of it you.

"What?" You say confused, what did he mean by that? Adam froze, "shit! Time to change the subject!" Adam thought, remembering sera told him to say nothing about what he does.

"Uh- anywho! What do you do? Like what job?" He says, breezing past what he said entirely, his hand wrapping around your dainty one. "Um... I'm a librarian... But what did you mea-?!" He pulled you in for a kiss the mask cold against your lips you pulled back immediately, forgetting what you were about to ask.

Adam smirked, you totally liked it, you were just acting disgusted, "what did you mean by I should've heard the screams?" You say remembering what you were asking brows furrowed forward as you stared at him.

Adam began sweating nervously again, he was in deep shit, but he could turn this on you if he ever gets caught, as scummy as it was, nobody would bat an eye.

"What?" Adam says playing stupid, you frowned irritated but you let it go, dropping the subject.

Growing suspicious of Adam and what he does.

~>~ (a week later)

"W- what?" You say, in shock, it had only been a week since that awful date, nothing happened much. Expect the fact an angel was accusing you of working with hell.

"Sera! You know I'd never!" You cry out looking at the arch angels that were so readily abandoning you, you look at Adam, a smile on his face, lute saying nothing a frown on her face.

"I know, but..." Sera said softly, her fluffy wings folded behind her, "traitor!" The arch angel snarled, "I did nothing wrong!" You pleaded, golden tears in your eyes, "you are tainted, we all can sense it, you're too curious about hell, and if one is tainted, the rest will be."

That was the arch angels logic, that was his fucking logic, guards pull you towards heaven golden gates, ripping you're beautiful white wings away from you, the pain of everything hitting you so hard as sera watches you be casted out of heaven, frowning.

Tears cloud your vision, you're back aching with pain as you passed through the pentagram above hell. Your skin burning at the mere sensation, causing more tears to overflow.

How did this happen? Why? You've always been good, followed orders, everything happened so fast, not a chance to plead or to make anyone see reason. Warm blood ran down your back as you continued falling, you closed your eyes, "why?" You say softly opening them back up as you finally hit the ground, going unconscious, you're body raked with pain everywhere possible.

Word count: 1'024

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