chapter five: new roommate

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"you'll be staying with me and loony for the time being!" Blitzø said opening the door to the shit show known as his humble abode.

The side wall was kinda covered in pictures of his friends or random stuff like... Horses kissing? You wouldn't question it though, the wall had some banners or colorful strings keeping the pictures together, one door had yellow Police tap around it with a sign that said: keep out!! (That includes you blitzø). On the doors sign, you assumed that was loona's room, the living room, which wasn't big, had an old red couch with a tv in front of it, a blanket and pillow on it, maybe that's where blitzø sleeps? On the TV stand were an assortment of horse related TV shows and movies.

On a side table was a plant that was half alive and half dead, and right next to the potted plant was a framed picture of him as a kid you presumed, another little imp, she had large round horns, then an older taller female imp, she looked tired but happy, holding up a birthday card that appeared to be homemade, so this must be a family photo.

Looking around more you noticed the kitchen wasn't big either, just a plain smallish fridge, a black microwave and a stove.

It wasn't the best, but it was okay. They had a pretty small bathroom though, the shower, was like ones in school, or a pool area where you go to wash first before getting into any public pool, but it was still okay, there was a medicine cabinet, which was good.

"And here's your room!" Blitzø said grabbing your hand and bringing you towards the room next to loona's, opening the door he revealed a pretty generic room, the sheets were plain gray, pillows not entirely white, and the room was slightly dark, "I'll need to figure out your clothing size of course, and what size your shoes are, but for the time being-" blitzø said heading into his old room, rummaging around in a box that was in the closet, "you can wear-" he pulled out a plain T-shirt, and a pair of baggy pants, clothes that he doesn't wear, "these!" He said handing you the clothes.

You hold the fabric nose scrunched up, "god, these feel like shit," you forced a smile, knowing the clothes would give your sensitive skin a rash of some sort of possibly a break out.

"Thanks," you say sniffing the clothes before recoiling, covering that up with a chuckle, "when's the last time these have been washed?" You think to yourself in disgust, blitzø leaves the room, giving you the chance to change into the horrendous clothes.

Outside now sitting on the couch flicking through channels was blitzø, "where's the good shit at?" Blitzø groaned out leaning on one palm, aimlessly clicking through random channels, before momentarily stopping on channel 666, the news channel.

"-And here we bring you the live footage!" Katie killjoy said, releasing her manicured finger from her ear piece looking over her shoulder at a holographic live feed of a turf war, the princess of hell fruitlessly trying to cover the holographic live feed.

In the live footage was famous porn star and actor angel dust pulling out the tops of some red bombs before tossing them at an aircraft, beside him was a cyclops, her hair down up tightly, "HAHA-"

"Boring!" Blitzø said changing the channel as you finally stepped out of the room, the clothes not fitting you. The shirt kinda hung off your shoulder slightly, revealing your collarbone, the baggy pants had to be held by a black belt because they kept falling down, blitzø was far bigger than you were, that was for sure.

"Heya roomie! So, whaddya think?" Blitzø asks with a smile, looking away from the TV, tossing the remote somewhere he'd most likely forget. "It's... Good." You say, choosing nicer words instead of being blunt.

"Great! Come take a seat, I was just channel surfing for the time being," blitzø said, the tip of his tail tapping the spot next to him. You smiled heading towards the couch you take a seat settling in, he pops in a movie, his tail wrapping around a bowl of popcorn bringing it to the two of you from off the tiny coffee table, this wasn't so bad actually now that you think about it, it was nice having someone to talk and laugh with.

Word count: 754

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