chapter thirty seven: getting it over with

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"this is y/n, Stella." Stolas said flatly, his face neutral. He didn't want you to be the target of his horrid wife's anger. She sneered with a scoff, a scornful look in her piercing eyes, "are you planning to fuck this one too?" She said mockingly roughly grabbing your ears, pulling you up completely so you were off the floor.

"Stella! No!" Stolas snapped immediately grabbing you protectively, Stella sneered stepping forward, "you lying little-"

"Hey, dad-" Octavia had popped into the room, her phone in hand an a earbud out, she was going to ask if she could have blitzø's location so she could go and hangout with you, but she didn't need to as you were right between her father and mother, a subject and target of her mother's wrathful rage.

"Nevermind," Octavia said promptly leaving, not wanting to be apart of this awful situation causing Stella to pause and glance at her daughter before looking at you, "hmph, whatever. The goetia name is already sullied because of your shameful actions." Stella said leaving curtly, flipping her feathery hair back as she slammed the door shut.

Stolas sighed in relief slightly slumping back setting you down gently, "I'm... I'm so sorry." He said with a sigh, "I should've known she'd be back early. And in a pissy mood at most." He added softly, brushing his gray feathery hair back.

"Now, uh- I didn't really want too... Immediately ask but would you prefer to watch, or... Uh- be apart of it, to get used to it. The arrangement. I mean." Stolas said, flustered.

"Oh... Oh! Right... Right... Um... I... Think I'll uh- just... Um... Not be apart of it at all." You say ears slightly down, eyes darting around the room. "That's... Not how it works, but how about I go first with you, then blitzø can after. I'll be gentle." Stolas said giving you a reassuring smile.

"... Oh... Oh.. uh- alright-" he smiled immediately grabbing a box of colorful objects that were all different kinds of shapes. "Okay, which one?" He said smiling gesturing to the array of colorful objects.

"... Which what?" You say confused picking up a white oval one, it was shaped like an egg, "ooh, that one's my favorite too!" He said giddily, not telling you anything as he set the white oval aside in a box before turning back too you. "Okay, do you like whips, or ropes?" He says lifting a black whip, it looked almost like a horse or bull whip. And then some black leathery rope, "uh-... For... What?" You say looking between the two deadly and intimidating weapons.

"... Actually let's just... Start at the basics," he said grabbing the white oval, it had a little controller too.

"... Um... Okay..." You say slowly, not really sure what he meant by that at all. "Okay! Do you know what this is?" He says holding the white oval object delicately, "um... An egg?"

"Yes! Now do you know where the vibrator will go? The egg that is," he says, setting the egg or vibrator down.

"... Um... No..." You say shifting in your spot, "... Okay... Um... Do you want too know?" He says, picking it back up. "Uh- yeah," you nod, ears flapping slightly.

"Okay, so... This can go in you're.... Um... How about to just show you." Stolas says standing up he kneels down, still towering over you he gently parts you're legs.

"Um... What are you doing?" You say frowning ears twitching slightly. "Oh! Well I'm just showing you where it goes," he says, tugging your bell bottoms off, "um, where does it go?" You say nervously.

"It goes into your vagina..." He says, watching as your expression goes blank, completely blank, like how goats or sheep look like they have zero thoughts behind their eyes. "Actually how about... You just watch me and blitzø..."

He says, leaning back. Blitzø really wasn't kidding when he told him how inexperienced you are, he had no problem teaching you. "No... No, it's fine..." You say, you wanted to learn early, that way this wouldn't come back too bite you in the ass later.


Word count: 694

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