chapter thirty nine: harvest moon festival (pt 2)

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Striker leaned back, relaxing against the fence, "So you even conned that ditzy blueblood into gettin' you to the surface?" He inquires, everybody had heard of the rumors.

Blitzø stammered at first, his tail curling in on yours rather tightly, "Well, it's long and complicated, but the short answer is yes. But he's not like, you know-- W- We're y- We're not, like... We're not doing it... We w- What's betw- It's a transactional fucking, you see." He makes a sexual gesture with his hands awkwardly.

"Y'know... you boys should enter the Pain Games!" Joe said, looking between blitzø and striker, you perked up looking over at him, "pain games? What is that?" You say, Lin comes over to you, happily explaining what it is. "Every harvest festival, there's a competition to be the roughest, toughest bastard in Wrath!"

Lin said smiling as she patted your back, "and determines the desirability of said bastard." Striker said smirking, his tail rattling loudly.

Millie puffs her cheeks out, "yeah! Wish I could play!" She said upset, glaring at the ground as her mother sighed. "Millie, you know you get too carried away. The last competition ended in fifteen separate funerals." Her mother said frowning softly placing her hand on Millie's shoulder.

Millie sighed softly looking over at her mother, "I'm aware, but I only caused nine of them! How come Sallie May still gets to compete?" She said watching as Sallie may, her dad and one of her brothers were helping hide a couple of bodies.

"Your sister doesn't have a neighborhood head count." Lin says, watching as Millie puffed up more. "She so does!" Millie said gesturing to Sallie may as she continued to bring in bodies, "It doesn't count if they don't find the bodyyyyyy!" Sallie may sang out in a teasing tone as millie seethed.

"Still, you get to root for her and your brothers, and now you can cheer on your boss!" Lin said with a smile, trying too cheer up her daughter. Moxxie puts his hand on lin's shoulder, causing her to frown. "Y'know, she can also cheer for me."

Which causes Joe too burst into laughter, wiping a tear away before realizing he was serious, "... Wait, you?" Moxxie nods offendedly, "Yeah! I can compete, can't I?"

Lin elbows him in the side harshly causing him to tear up and wheeze, Joe deadpans, "look, sorry, boy. but, I don't think sensitive, thespian types would last vary long in the games," he says looking over at you before back at moxxie, "hell, y/n, looks stronger than you, and has a firmer handshake. I'd bet on her lasting longer than you." He took a second glance at you before looking back at moxxie, "in more ways than one." He adds, Lin nodding along to what her husband said.

Moxxie's mouth was gaping open, he felt... Insulted, you looked weak! It took you three weeks just too get your aim straight! "Keep you're mouth hangin' open moxxie and I might just pop in." Blitzø said, causing moxxie to recoil sharply. "I was born here, too!" Moxxie said, finally finding his voice, his tone turning into a drawl, "I have some fight in me!"

A shadow loons over him, a chuckle leaving striker as he pays moxxie's shoulder. "Huh. Well then, little fella... Why don'tcha help me wrangle one o' them hogs for dinner?" He says gesturing to the hog pen.

This was one way to absolutely humiliate the pest,  to knock down any chance the little worm thinks he has with you. "Simple. Watch me!" Moxxie said smiling, this was his chance too impress you.

Striker grins pulling him back, "nah... With these. Bullets can't pierce the shell. You gotta get the knife underneath and pry yourself an openin'." Striker says with a grin, handing him a rope and a knife.

Moxxie laughs nervously swallowing down his fear as he grips the rope and knife tightly, "... Okay... Yeah, I knew that." He says uneasily, blitzø leans forward towards moxxie, ready to strike his waning confidence down. "Now, just remember, your rep with the in-laws is on the line here! So, no pressure at all, you totally will not make an ass of yourself in front of everyone important in your life, including y/n. Go get 'em, tiger." He says slapping him on the back.

Moxxie sputters in response nervously looking back at you and Millie, before stepping into the hog pen. "Check this out darlin'" striker said smiling, coming in at just the right time, easily killing the hog moxxie couldn't kill. Loona sent you a video of moxxie failing at killing the hog, odd but you wouldn't question it.

"There, there, little fella. You never stood a chance." Striker said mockingly, leaving moxxie on the ground of the pen as striker hopped over the fence. "Hey! Darlin'! Boss man, do you want too skin this hog with me?" Striker asks looking over his shoulder with the dead hog.

He would've just invited you, but he had a feeling blitzø wasn't the type to give personal space. "Sure! We'd love too skin the manly meat with a manly, man!" Blitzø said, his warm wrapped around your waist as he walks into the house with striker.

Moxxie scoffed as Millie helped him up gently, "look moxxie, it's okay, you don't gotta impress my parents." She said softly smiling, but moxxie was determined to join the pain games, to beat striker and blitzø who were both clearly trying to impress you.

"Oh, I'ma join those games." He said with a drawl, pissed off beyond belief.

Word count: 939

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