chapter forty seven: truth serum (pt 3)

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"oh, my... What a sad state this green house is in," stolas said, grimacing at the sight of the vary, vary dead plants. "Yeah, uh- nobody is really up here, I didn't even know we had a green house 'til I came up here to relax and clean up." You responded nodding as you picked up a booze bottle tossing it off the rooftop.

"Well, maybe I could-" he stops mid sentence, feeling off. Something wasn't right. Not right at all, "I have a feeling blitzø fucked up," he said frowning, you shrug, "well, I mean. You wouldn't be wrong. Most of the time he does, but... Is it serious?" You say moving some old crust chairs aside.

"Stolas?" You repeated looking up as he vanishes, turning into a black blob, a portal opens up, most likely for you so you hop in, landing behind blitzø, Millie, moxxie and loona who were backed up slightly against a metal door. "What did you guys... Do..." You start, trailing off as you realize they weren't in their targets home.

"Y/n?" Blitzø said confused he looked over his shoulder as the red lights slowly flashed, obstructing any chance of escaping as loona struggled to read anything in the red light, "ugh! I can't see anything with the lighting." She Said looking up briefly before looking back down at the book.

Suddenly tvs turn on, static on them as stolas's voice comes through. "Who dares to hurt my... Impish plaything?" His voice hisses through the air. Freaking agent two out who was looking at agent one who had her back to him, staring blankly forward. "Agent one?"

Her head snaps around, blood coming out of her mouth, eyes and nose as the bodies of the dead agents make a summoning circle with their blood, "what's the matter demon hunters?" Her voice came out mixed with stolas's, "never seen a real demon before?" A cackle rips from her before her head falls back, mouth wide open as she throws up black blood in the summoning, which slowly manifests into stolas.

Stolas looks down on the shocked agents who take cover, he slowly approaches the group. Blitzø who was in shock looked up at stolas, "Stolas? Wha-... A- Wh- Hold on, how did you know that we needed help?" He said as stolas responded coolly. "I have my ways, darling. Now, are you alright?" He asks softly pinching his cheek.

Blitzø groans slapping him away, "I'm fine!" He said grumbling as stolas smiles, "good, now... how the fuck did you get caught by humans?! Are you little creatures not being careful up here?! You know, if you-" he pinched his cheek harshly, "get in trouble, I get in trouble, and we don't want that!" He said, scolding blitzø.

Moxxie steps forward lightly removing stolas's hand from blitzø's cheek, "sir, they just caught us off guard." He said, reasoning with stolas as he sighs. Blitzø nods leaning against you, "yeah, stolas. You can unclench your bird-puss, stolas. It's not gonna happen again, 'kay?"

Stolas sighed softly pinching the bride of his beak, you pipe up, "luckily for you guys, nobody believes the deranged unhinged words of the demon hunters." You say gesturing to the frighten two hiding. They've had a bad reputation up in heaven for the longest time, not a bad as half breeds like you did, but bad enough that they're not getting a chance to even go to heaven. "They are seen as kooks," you added with a shrug as stolas smiles, "kooks, what a silly word."

"Yep. Silly word indeed for a group of silly dumbasses." You say shrugging blitzø off slightly. "Now, uh- mind opening that portal up?" You say leaning back as he nods, snapping his fingers as a portal back to hell appears. You're scooped up by stolas along with blitzø.

"Now, am I gonna get a thank you for rescuing you blitzy?" Stolas asks playfully as he hums, "eh, why not. Want me to fuck both your brains out?"

You stammer looking over at him as stolas nods, "vary much so."

He kisses his cheek, "fine, but I'm using the bear traps on you both if you can't stay quiet."

"I'm sorry what?" You say looking between the two frightened, stolas smiles fluffing up, "please do~"

"Wait, I didn't agree to this!" You exclaimed, squirming around as blitzø chuckled pinching your cheek. "Oh but you did the moment we met."

Stolas carries you and blitzø through the portal, charlie is definitely wondering where you were, but it's fine, you'd return to the hotel when you actually had free time and were being hassled.

Word count: 779

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